
Customs declarations: from 2 December the new rules on the electronic format, here's what changes

Starting from December 2nd, it will be possible to submit customs declarations for export and transit exclusively in electronic format, using the new paths provided for at community level

Customs declarations: from 2 December the new rules on the electronic format, here's what changes

Starting from the next 2th December, Italian companies will have to adapt to new and more stringent rules for the presentation of customs declarations for export and transit of goods. The Customs and Monopolies Agency has in fact confirmed that, starting from that date, the new electronic modes planned at European level will become mandatory for all operators.

Customs declarations: here are the new rules

The deadlines set by the European Commission include the obligation for electronic declaration in transit starting from 21 January 2025, while for the transnational component of the export declaration the deadline is set at 11 February 2025.

The information issued by the ADM on 8 October 2024 (note no. 622909) specifically establishes that the new declarative methods (dataset B1-B4 for export and D1-D2 for transit), connected to the functional phases of the Union system AES-P1 (Automated Export System – Phase 1) and NCTS – P5 (New Computerised Transit System – Phase 5), will become the only admissible ones starting from 2 December. This means that the old procedures manual or partially automated will no longer be valid. It will be possible to submit customs declarations using the old “ET” format only until 1 December 2024.

The major changes concern:

  • Electronic declarations only: it will be possible to submit customs declarations for export and transit exclusively in electronic format, using the new paths provided for at Community level.
  • New telematic services: the Customs and Monopolies Agency has made available new telematic services for the submission, correction and cancellation of declarations.
  • Exchange of information in XML format: the new methods of communication with declarants will be based on exchanges of information in XML format via web services, with the obligation to digitally sign messages.
  • Processing status query: companies will be able to query the processing status of the transmitted messages and retrieve the results through two tools: the system to system (S2S) mode and the Monet service.
