
Csc: the South is restarting, enormous potential

The latest check up Mezzogiorno by Confindustria and Srm (Intesa) highlights that companies with 10.000 more, many innovative start-ups and youth companies.

Csc: the South is restarting, enormous potential

"The South restarts with business vitality and record exports" records the Mezzogiorno check-up by Confindustria and the SRM study center (Intesa Sanpaolo group). There is "enormous growth potential" but "elements of uncertainty" remain and it is now "crucial" to invest.

For the first time since 2008, in the second quarter of 2016 the number of companies grew, "over 10 thousand more, +0,6%": a "great entrepreneurial vitality" driven by young people (with 220 thousand young companies) and innovative start-ups ( +39,2% in one year). While "the growth" of tourism does not stop.

Positive signals, there is more confidence but it is a challenge yet to be overcome: the picture of the South at the beginning of 2016 by Confindustria and Srm is "that of an area slowly returning to growth, in which the positive signals, however still insufficient to quickly fill the gaps that opened up with the crisis, are flanked by more or less significant elements of uncertainty”. The ground lost between 2007 and 2014 "is really very large".
