
Crisis: Franco-German initiative in favor of Greece denied

The Elysée denies rumors of a joint initiative with Germany to try to stop the Greek crisis. But, according to sources close to the transalpine government, the press release was actually being processed in the morning and the decision could only be postponed

Crisis: Franco-German initiative in favor of Greece denied

"There will be no Franco-German initiative today": the news of aid to Greece from the Sarkozy and
Merkel had given a strong surge in the stock markets, but was flatly denied by a statement from the Elysée, which also specified that no decision had been made on whether President Nicolas Sarkozy would make statements at the end of his meeting with the EU president Herman Van Rompuy in the afternoon.

Press rumors initially referred to the spread of a joint commitment between Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to try to stop the Greek crisis. According to a source close to the French government, a draft statement was actually being worked on in the morning, the source did not specify whether the project was simply postponed or cancelled. On the other hand, the French presidency peremptorily denied that a Franco-German initiative for the Greek crisis could be launched today.
