
Crisis, Saccomanni: necessary rigor, it would have been worse without Europe and the ECB

"The great crisis from which we are laboriously emerging would have been far worse if it hadn't been for the euro, Europe and the ECB": said the Minister of Economy, Fabrizio Saccomanni

Crisis, Saccomanni: necessary rigor, it would have been worse without Europe and the ECB

“The great crisis from which we are laboriously emerging would have been far worse if it hadn't been for the euro, Europe and the ECB”. This was stated by the Minister of Economy, Fabrizio Saccomanni, in a message sent to the conference in honor of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi on Italy's entry into the euro which is being held in Montecitorio.

"Now that the emergency has passed - explains the minister - efforts must go in the direction of promoting recovery and employment, correcting the approach of an excessive degree of austerity". The rigor on public finances was necessary to face the most acute phase of the crisis. Now however, Saccomanni warned, "the excess or degree of austerity must be corrected."
