
Government crisis, how the green agenda is changing

Both the M5S and the Democratic Party have included the issue in the points of understanding for the new government. Grillini in trouble after the government with the League which has done little or nothing and is now trying to recover land with vague promises and old ideological schemes. Legambiente's complaint about subsidies for fossil fuels.

Government crisis, how the green agenda is changing

For three days in the palaces of politics and among those who follow the environmentalist world, the "green new deal" has been ringing. Magical and empty expression at the same time. It depends on the context. The political leader of the M5S, Luigi Di Maio inserted it in the third of the ten points to start negotiations to resolve the government crisis. He said of a "paradigm change on the environment for a 100% renewable Italy". A priority point pronounced in a context that sees the grillini definitely in difficulty.

It is a fact that the movement, since its inception, has exploited environmental issues to lead Italy on the road to a profound revision of the use of energy sources and the quality of life in cities. Who once assumed government responsibilities has not been able to give body and substance to those noble proclamationsis there for all to see. Above all of that environmentalist universe that has given Grillo's followers electoral strength and confidence.

In the post-crisis handbook of the Conte government it is also said "enough incinerators, no to drills, yes to the circular economy ... a law on zero waste and investments in sustainable mobility". A contradictory mix for the troubles Italy has. It is not certain whether all that is written is flour from Di Maio's sack and his command group or if the point was "inspired" directly by Grillo and Casaleggio.

Perhaps to relaunch an identity theme of the M5S. It can be suspected that during the fourteen months of government with the League, the two founding fathers were disappointed by the decisions taken. How can you still suspect that the “green new deal” announced by Di Maio intended to bypass the Democratic Party on the left which in its five negotiating points spoke of investments for a different growth season, based on environmental sustainability and on a new development model.

It is understandable, therefore, why in such a context the expression appears to us magical and empty, even if it lacks credibility for those who have ventured to write and pronounce it. In more than a year of government, the M5S has had every opportunity to change Italy's pace on environmental issues. The government contract signed with the League, beyond any good practice to put in place and with the appointment of an expert Minister of the area, he basically said the same things as today.

"Support the "green economy", research, innovation and training for the development of ecological work and for the rebirth of the competitiveness of our industrial system, with the aim of "decarbonising" and "defossilising" production and finance and promoting the circular economy". What did they bring home? Disappointment, certainly (not alone) and many projects left on paper that today require serious self-criticism and the possibility for others to try. In an obviously different context.

Let's leave aside the issue of incinerators, with regard to which Renzi (to say who has opened up dialogue with the M5S) had set up others a few weeks ago Legambiente denounced the existence of 18,8 billion euros of subsidies in force for fossil fuels. Environmentalists have asked to update the catalog of the Ministry of the Environment on subsidies in order to then touch concrete sustainability goals by 2025.

They were waiting for them, after promptly listing what to cut and how to reshape public spending in favor of renewables and environmental protection. A paradox, in short, between proclamations and government practice since 2017 and that the “government of change” could and should have solved. Environmentalists are still hoping for it and all is not lost.

If the negotiation between Pd and M5S will lead to the formation of a new government, those proposals must also be taken up and discussed with the social partners. There is no need to go to conferences to make promises if you are not capable of having a serious impact. The grillini have said many things in these months without construct. And the environment, waste, water, gas and oil extraction are complex issues of global significance.

They require competence, preparation, very often even common sense. The true green economy requires social consensus, sharing and investment. In Italy, the way things have gone over the past year also calls for a step back on the part of those who have only made promises.
