
Crimea: US ready to intervene in case of aggression against Ukraine

US Vice President Joe Biden, on a visit to Latvia, lets it be known that the United States will respond to aggression against NATO countries - "We strongly condemn the violation of Ukraine's national sovereignty - said the US number 2 - and we reject the use brutal force to redraw the map of Europe”

Crimea: US ready to intervene in case of aggression against Ukraine

Washington is ready to intervene. This was said by US Vice President Joe Biden, implying that the United States will respond to any aggression against NATO countries. Indirect periphrasis to talk about the future of Crimea, poised between Russia and Ukraine after the disputed referendum that saw the yes to secession from Kiev win.

"We strongly condemn Russia's violation of Ukraine's national sovereignty - specified Biden, on a visit to Lithuania - and we reject the brutal use of force to redraw the map of Europe and undermine the post-war political order

"We are studying a series of additional measures to increase the pace and scope of our military cooperation - added the US vice president - including a rotation of US forces in the Baltic region for land and naval exercises and training missions"
Biden spoke at the conclusion of his two-day trip to Lithuania and Poland. Washington's number two clearly told Moscow that the US will not tolerate a Russian intervention in Ukraine and reassured the NATO allies, assuring an intervention in their defense if necessary.
