
Specialized credit: leasing and factoring grow

Survey by Assifact, Assilea and Assofin - In 2014, specialized credit covered 19,1% of the total loans of the banking and financial system, with flows exceeding 15% of GDP - The impact on business investments and spending of households stood at 5,9% and 5,7% respectively

Specialized credit: leasing and factoring grow

Thanks to the growth recorded in 2014, specialized credit consolidates its role in financing households and businesses, covering 19,1% of the total loans of the banking and financial system, with flows exceeding 15% of GDP (15,4% ). This is what emerges from a survey on specialized credit in Italy conducted by the three trade associations Assifact, Assilea and Assofin, which are members of banks and financial intermediaries active respectively in the factoring, leasing and household credit sectors. 

The incidence of specialized credit flows on business investment and household spending stood at 5,9% and 5,7% respectively, with a slight increase compared to 2013. Households and businesses also represent the main sectors served by the specialized credit, with a share respectively equal to approximately 62% (mortgages and consumer credit) and 31% (factoring and leasing) of the total outstanding as at 31.12.2014.

Support to the public sector (4,4% of the total) is guaranteed for over 90% by factoring operations. It is precisely the shares of loans aimed at households and the public sector that have increased, compared to the previous edition of the survey, by 0,9 and 0,5 percentage points respectively. 
