
Credem promotes financial education for women

During financial education month, the Reggio Emilia event promoted by Credem in collaboration with Feduf-Abi and the Global Thinking Foundation was part of the proposal to raise awareness of savings management among citizens and women in particular - The intervention of the president Zanon of Valgiurata

Credem promotes financial education for women

Finance is a woman and yesterday in Reggio Emilia an all-female training day was held during the world investor week and as part of the month of financial education promoted by Credem in collaboration with the Foundation for financial education and Savings and the Global Thinking Foundation.

The event was entitled "Women squared" and had the objective of promoting financial education and supporting projects aimed at financial literacy.

The meeting was attended by over 250 women and was made up of four moments of discussion: finance and communication in the era of Industry 4.0, the SWOT Analysis which consists in the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks related to the activity business, the analysis of the labor market for start-ups and sources of financing.

The conference was attended by the Director of the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings Giovanna Boggio Robutti, the President of the Global Thinking Foundation Claudia Segre, the Co-Founder of Dress for Success Tiziana Bocus and the President of Credem Lucio Zanon di Valgiurata.

The UN Sustainable Development Agenda provides 17 sustainable development goals to be achieved by 2030 and one of these is precisely aimed at providing qualified, equitable and inclusive education, promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all", he declared Lucio Zanon of Valgiurata, President of Credem.

“We experience every day, even in our business activity, with the people who work with us, the constant evolution of the world of work and the need to maintain continuous training, which allows us to remain competitive by constantly updating our skills, in all areas and at any stage of life. In 2017, the Credem Group provided over 305 hours of training to over 6.000 people in our Group, through a skills model that favors an overview, decision-making autonomy, method and results. In this context it is also important that the social environment with which we interact on a daily basis is ready to grow and evolve, to guarantee a mutual understanding of languages, needs and expectations. For this reason we have addressed and defined a program deliberately aimed at women whose contents will focus on professional planning", concluded Zanon.
