
Credem launches a new virtual assistant on Messenger

Her name is Emily and she is a "chatbot", i.e. a robot with which users can chat to find the answers they are looking for - Experiments on vocal interaction will come in the future

Credem launches a new virtual assistant on Messenger

Credem launches Emily, a new virtual assistant who will be active on the institution's Facebook Messenger channel from 15 July. It is a "chatbot", an artificial intelligence system that uses algorithms to provide answers to user questions. Basically, you chat with a robot.

However, if the questions are too difficult for Emily's decoding skills, a specialist can always be called in.

To create its virtual assistant, Credem made use of an artificial intelligence solution for understanding dialogues offered by Google. This technology has been integrated into the Bank's systems thanks to the partnership with the IT company Quix.

"This is certainly only a first step of the path that Credem is undertaking in the application of new technologies - said Lorenzo Villa, head of direct channels and information systems of Credem - With this project we have applied artificial intelligence and machine learning , through cloud solutions, to a service in direct contact with customers, aware of the importance that these technologies can have on the quality and efficiency of our services. The development project in this area also foresees the launch of an important innovative experimentation on vocal interaction in the near future”. Accent 5;\lsd
