
Bank cracks, Government aims at repayments for 500 million

The executive wants to increase the fund for the repayments of savers damaged by the crises of the Veneto banks (Popolare di Vicenza and Veneto Banca, later taken over by Intesa Sanpaolo), and of the four local banks Banca Marche, Cariferrara, Banca Etruria and Carichieti by 400 million .

Bank cracks, Government aims at repayments for 500 million

September will be a hot month for the Government, awaited for a test of accounts first with the Def and then, later, with the first highly anticipated Budget law of the new Lega-stellato executive. Among the various objectives, many of which without financial coverage as already specified several times by Minister Tria, there is also that of extending the compensation to the shareholders who are victims of the various bank crashes, multiplying by five the sums allocated by the previous executive, under the guidance by Paolo Gentiloni. In the government's plans there is therefore to strengthen the saver fund aiming for 500 million, from the current 100: in this case the problem of coverage is relative, because 100 million a year would be enough, a figure that is not unthinkable.

The 2018 maneuver (also voted for by the opposition) had made a total of 100 million available in four years, for compensation relating to crisis of the Veneto banks (Popolare di Vicenza and Veneto Banca, later taken over by Intesa Sanpaolo), and of the four local banks Banca Marche, Cariferrara, Banca Etruria and Carichieti. Objectively insufficient resources, as Prime Minister Gentiloni himself specified at the time, speaking of a "starting point", and in fact Prime Minister Conte himself, from the very first days of his mandate, when he received the associations of injured savers at Palazzo Chigi, placed particular attention on this issue at the center of its agenda. The repayments will therefore be one of the first operations in September, to anticipate a budget maneuver that promises to be very complicated: 22 billion euros will be needed for ordinary administration alone. Not to mention the various and disparate electoral promises, which if all fulfilled in the 2019 document, would bring the "jackpot" closer to 100 billion.

Meanwhile, speaking of Banca Etruria, just yesterday the Court of Appeal of Florence proved Consob wrong of Vegas on the crack of the Tuscan bank, consequently canceling the sanctions on the former directors of the bank for alleged lack of information in the prospectus linked to the 2013 capital increase.
