The shameful cancellation of fines for those who did not get vaccinated during the Covid thus putting other citizens at risk, as the President wisely recalled Mattarella, returns to the limelight after the incredible decision of the Government to support the No Vaccines in the Milleproroghe decree. But fortunately it also raises a wave of civil indignation that finds its emblematic reference in the mayor of Alzano Lombardo, the Bergamo epicenter of the pandemic massacre. How can we forget the very sad 2020 parade of military trucks of the Bergamo woman who transported the coffins of those who died of Covid to the cemeteries? Camillo Bertocchi it is the Northern League mayor of Alzano Lombardo who does not mince his words in the “Foglio”: “After almost 5 years (from the Covid tragedy) memory is being lost. And instead it is up to the institutions to ensure that it is not lost”. The Northern League mayor is not about to forgive the No Vax and warns the political class: “Especially on such an important issue as people's health, seriousness is needed on the part of politics. This is why I say that I am for the principle of legality: if there are rules (Editor's note: the obligation to get vaccinated) they must be respected and, if those rules are violated, it is right that those who make mistakes pay, without shortcuts”, Sacred words. Well said, Mayor.
Covid, the courage of the Northern League mayor of Alzano who condemns the shame of the fines cancelled by the Government for No Vax
The Northern League mayor of Alzano Lombardo, the epicenter of the pandemic, raises his voice and condemns the government's decision to repeal the fines for anti-vax activists introduced by the Draghi government. His words are worth more than a thousand hypocritical disquisitions on an amnesty that is an offense to science and especially to those who died from Covid