
Covid, new restrictions: here's the news

No lockdown - Conte: "The strategy is not and cannot be the same as in spring" - The school remains in attendance - Hairdressers and beauty centers still open - Gyms are given a week to adapt - A squeeze is coming on bars and restaurants, as well as possible local curfews.

Covid, new restrictions: here's the news

No lockdowns. Schools remain open, but with staggered entrances if possible (even in the afternoon, in high school). Gyms and swimming pools end up "sub iudice", while a tightening of evening life and non-professional contact sports is on the way. These, in summary, are the novelties of the new anti-Covid Dpcm, which follows on the one launched last Wednesday. Although they have been known for days, many of the innovations have been the subject of discussions within the government majority until the very end. The measures are being strengthened, but without reaching a new lockdown, nor a night curfew, as had been assumed in the wake of what was decided by France.

“The strategy is not and cannot be the same as in spring – said the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte – we have worked intensely in recent months. We must protect health and the economy, using a principle of proportionality and adequacy. The government exists, but everyone must play its part. The most effective measures remain the basic precautions: mask, distance and hand hygiene. We are careful in situations where we let our guard down, with family and friends. In these situations, maximum precaution is needed." Conte also has announced a passage in Parliament for a comparison on the new measures "between Tuesday and Wednesday".

Here they are.


The mayors can order the closure to the public, after 21.00, of streets or squares where situations of assembly can arise, without prejudice to the possibility of outflow and access to and from commercial establishments and private homes.


Yes to outdoor sports and motor activity, but always respecting the safety distance. Instead, stop at amateur contact sports: training is allowed only individually, while competitions are prohibited, including those of a recreational-amateur nature. In short, no soccer or basketball with friends. Only events and competitions concerning individual and team sports recognized as being of national or regional interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) or by the Italian Paralympic Committee (Cip) are permitted.


The government has decided to give gyms and swimming pools a week to adapt to safety protocols: if they don't do so, they will be forced to close. On this point, the majority is split: the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, would have liked the direct closure, while that of Sport, Vincenzo Spadafora, fought to keep the activities open.

"Basic sporting activity and motor activity in general carried out in gyms, swimming pools, public and private sports centers and clubs, or in other structures where activities aimed at the well-being of the individual through physical exercise are carried out - yes law in the draft of the Dpcm - they are allowed in compliance with the rules of social distancing and without any gathering, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Sports Office, having consulted the Italian Sports Medicine Federation (Fmsi), without prejudice to further operational guidelines issued by the Regions and autonomous Provinces".


In high school, yes to face-to-face alternating teaching, with a more marked diversification of pupils' entry and exit times, which also includes afternoon entries. "Second-level educational institutions - continues the Dpcm - adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching by increasing the use of integrated digital teaching, which remains complementary to face-to-face teaching, further modulating the management of pupil entry and exit times , also through the possible use of afternoon shifts and arranging that entry does not take place before 9.00 in any case. Furthermore, even the renewal of the collegial bodies of educational institutions (class and school representatives) can take place remotely".


Catering activities (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and pastry shops) can remain open from 5.00 to 24.00, but only if they offer the possibility of consuming at the table (where a maximum of six people can sit), otherwise the The closure is brought forward to 18 pm. Catering with home delivery is always permitted, in compliance with the hygienic-sanitary standards for both packaging and transport, as well as take-away catering until 24.00 pm. Exhibitors are required to display a sign at the entrance with the maximum number of people admitted to the venue at the same time. Autogrills and service stations along the highways remain open.


Cinemas and theaters also remain open, but with a maximum number of a thousand spectators for outdoor shows and 200 for indoor ones.


The activities of game rooms, betting rooms and bingo rooms are permitted from 8.00 to 21.00.


Community festivals and fairs are prohibited. National and international trade fairs remain permitted.


All convention or congress activities are suspended, with the exception of those that take place remotely. All public ceremonies take place in compliance with the protocols and, with the exception of those of national importance, without the presence of the public.

In the context of public administrations, meetings are only permitted remotely, unless there are particular reasons of public interest. Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that private meetings be held remotely as well.


Hairdressers and beauty centers remain open in compliance with safety protocols.
