
Covid, 60% of the French do not respect the lockdown

The figure emerged from an Ifop survey that began last October 30 and is 27 percentage points higher than that recorded on the occasion of the first confinement.

Covid, 60% of the French do not respect the lockdown

If the Italians, according to the images circulated last weekend of crowds on seafronts and city centers, seem unruly to you, our French neighbors are no less. And in this case, in addition to the images, there are also the data: provided that in France a real second lockdown is underway (therefore it is easier to run into some transgression), according to a survey conducted by Ifop, over 60% of citizens have officially broken the bans, mostly by not respecting the reasons allowed in the self-certifications or by inviting relatives or friends to their homes. They admitted it themselves, obviously anonymously, by responding to the survey that began last October 30, when President Emmanuel Macron decided on the second confinement. Which apparently is (much) less respected than the first: in France as a bit everywhere in Europe there is a feeling that the level of discipline has dropped compared to last spring, when the virus was evidently scarier.

However, the numbers show that in reality Covid-19 still does a lot of damage and is still very contagious. The case of France is emblematic: compared to April, the percentage of offenders has risen by 27%. Here are the main reasons for indiscipline: self-certifications with reasons other than those admitted (24%), walks of more than an hour (17%), inviting friends or relatives home (23%), meeting friends in other places (20%), meeting with a partner non-cohabitant (9%). However, according to Ifop, the pandemic is not failing to sink the morale of the French: a year ago only 16% of those interviewed were pessimistic, today 28%, almost double. More than half of the respondents, 52%, admitted to feeling sad during this time.
