
Covid: curfew in Lombardy from 23pm to 5am

In Lombardy, from 23pm on Wednesday, the curfew will start until 5am every night: the Government says yes to the Region – Shopping centers closed over the weekend

Covid: curfew in Lombardy from 23pm to 5am

In Lombardia take the night curfew. Or rather, the night lockdown. The Government has given the go-ahead to the proposal arrived by the governor Attilio Fontana and shared with the majority and opposition group leaders of the Regional Council, as well as with all the mayors of the regional capitals. Result: starting from Thursday 22 October, between 23 pm and 5 am all activities will remain closed and travel will be prohibited, unless they occur for reasons of work, health or urgent necessity. In short, exactly what was foreseen in the three months of lockdown, but limited to the night.

"I agree with the hypothesis of more restrictive measures in Lombardy - said the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza – I heard the president Fontana and the mayor Beppe Sala and we will work together in this sense in the next few hours ”.

In addition to the imposition of the night curfew, there is also the hypothesis of close shopping centers over the weekend, with the exception of businesses that sell food or basic necessities. "I think it is appropriate to take an initiative like this, which is symbolically very important but shouldn't have particularly serious economic consequences," explained Fontana.

The goal is clear: curb not only the nightlife, but any type of unnecessary social contact that could favor the spread of the virus. In recent days, in fact, the spread of infections has increased to such an extent in Lombardy that the health authorities are no longer able to carry out an effective tracing activity. It means that every infected person, before being identified and isolated, has time to infect other people. According to the forecasts of the "Indicators Commission" set up by the Directorate General for Welfare, if the current trend continues, on October 31 there could be about 600 hospitalized in intensive care and up to 4 thousand in non-intensive care. The situation is so serious that Fontana has announced that it wants to restart "within a few days" the hospital at the Milan Fair.
