
Covid-19, Banco Bpm: 900 thousand euros to support the territories

With a fundraiser and a crowdfunding campaign, the bank managed to raise 900 thousand euros to be allocated to families in difficulty

Covid-19, Banco Bpm: 900 thousand euros to support the territories

Banco Bpm announces the results of two initiatives implemented to deal with the coronavirus emergency. The first is #SOStegnostraordinario, a fundraiser for banking group employees in collaboration with the Banco Alimentare Foundation and Caritas Italiana to support families in difficulty. The second is a crowdfunding campaign, #insiemestraordinari, conducted alongside hospitals and non-profit organizations at the forefront of the fight against the virus.

Overall, through the two projects and the direct contribution of Banco Bpm, 900 thousand euros were raised, an amount that adds to the 2,5 million euros already allocated for social activities by Banco BPM - together with Banca Aletti and Banca Akros - and by Foundations associated with the onset of the Covid-19 emergency.

«These two initiatives testify to Banco Bpm's commitment to solidarity - comments the president of the Veronese institute, Massimo Tononi, - A commitment that has brought together customers, colleagues and more generally local stakeholders, making it possible to achieve concrete objectives alongside small and large non-profit organizations and which is destined to continue throughout the year with new projects already in the pipeline».

Going into detail, with the #SOStegnostraordinario campaign launched among all the staff of the Banco Bpm group, 500 thousand euros were raised which will be used to "guarantee the primary conditions of subsistence to the increasingly numerous families in difficulty, with particular attention to the weakest groups of the population such as the elderly and children. Ten cities involved: Milan, Rome, Vercelli, Padua, Genoa, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Foggia, Catania and Palermo”, explains the bank in a note, underlining how around 2.000 families were supported through Caritas and the Food Bank with 3 thousand minors, through 1.250 monthly solidarity expenses of fresh and preserved food for a total value of 250 thousand euros. The remaining sum of 250 thousand euros was used in income support activities for almost 900 families with serious emergency and housing problems.

#insiemeextraordinari, since 21 April has reached 400 thousand euros, a figure that takes into account the contribution of 900 donors and about half the amount of a liberal disbursement from the Bank. “These funds – explains Banco Bpm – made it possible to offer food assistance to 2.100 families and a further 4.800 people, to distribute over 2.500 shopping parcels, to donate 1 ultrasound machine, 1 ambulance, the equipment for a biocontainment ambulance and to purchase protection and various equipment used in hospitals for the containment of contagion.
