
Construction: new order for Astaldi worth 435 million

The Astaldi group has been awarded by the Romanian government the contract for the construction of a new suspension bridge over the Danube. Title on the rise on the stock market

Construction: new order for Astaldi worth 435 million

Constructions, the Astaldi group has been awarded, in a joint venture, a new order by the Romanian Ministry of Transport for the construction of a suspension bridge over the Danube at Braila in Romania. The overall value of the order is approximately 435 million, of which Astaldi has a 60% stake.

One year is foreseen for the construction of the work for the planning and three years for the construction. The positive trend of the order intake of the group therefore continues, which as at 30 September 2017 could count on an execution backlog of over 18 billion. All this, in line with the strategy of progressive orientation of activities towards sectors and geographical areas with lower risk than in the past.

The Astaldi share benefits from the order and increases on the Stock Exchange by 0,9% to 2,876 euro. A rise higher than that of the market with the FtseMib traveling at +0,19% at 23.540 points at 12,41 on Wednesday morning.
