
Constitution and Porcellum, majority agreement: the turning point by July

"Minimum corrections" to the electoral law: agreement expected by the end of July - Safeguard rule: in the event of early elections we will no longer vote with the Porcellum - Changes: majority bonus only over 40%, but there is still no agreement – For the constitutional reforms, the focus is on a bill by July, then the "Committee of 40" will be born.

Constitution and Porcellum, majority agreement: the turning point by July

From this morning's summit between the government and the majority, the go-ahead for a "correction" of the Porcellum by the end of the summer and the start of the constitutional path for reforms. But the majority still do not comment on the extent of the corrections to the Porcellum. 


"There will be a safeguard rule which will allow, if you were to go to vote before the natural deadline, not to go with this electoral law", explained the Minister of Relations with Parliament, Dario Franceschini. What the safeguard clause will contain, however, "we will see in the coming weeks and we will seek mediation".

The merits were not discussed at the Palazzo Chigi summit, but it seems that the aim is to intervene on the majority bonus: it would only go to those who exceed 40% of the votes, and it would be valid on a national basis both in the Chamber and in the Senate. Not everyone, however, agrees. There are those who also want to intervene on preferences, for example, and those who would like to go directly to Mattarellum.

The agreement will have to arrive by the end of July, but for the "structural" electoral law we will in any case have to wait for the conclusion of the constitutional reforms, if they ever get there. “It will have to be consistent with the institutional system that we will choose,” explained Renato Brunetta.


Instead, agreement was found on the path for reforms. Having abandoned the idea of ​​a mixed Convention between parliamentarians and experts, the first two readings of the constitutional bill that will trace the path must also be completed by 31 July. Then a "Committee of 40" will be established, made up of twenty deputies and twenty senators belonging to the Constitutional Affairs commissions of Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama, with the possibility of rebalancing the proportional composition between the groups, purifying it from the majority bonus. 

The goal, explains Franceschini, is "to involve all groups, including those of the opposition". A group of experts will instead be appointed by the government at the end of May, but will have exclusively consultative tasks for the executive. The ok to the reforms will only come from Parliament. Regardless of the majority that is reached, the reform will in any case be subjected to a confirmatory referendum: "The people must be able to exercise their sovereignty", said the minister for constitutional reforms Gaetano Quagliariello.

First appointment, the debate in Parliament on May 29th. Prime Minister Enrico Letta will introduce it, it will be broadcast live on television and will conclude with the approval of a majority motion which will ratify the agreement reached today.
