
Growing Cosmetics Italy: India is a 14,6 million euro market (+37,7%) for our industry

India is the sixth largest cosmetics consumption market in the world with a value of nearly 12 billion. Estimates for 2022 indicate a recovery in exports, compared to 2021

Growing Cosmetics Italy: India is a 14,6 million euro market (+37,7%) for our industry

India one is confirmed very interesting market for the 'Italian cosmetic industry, with the sales towards the Asian country which recorded a value of 14,6 million euros in 2021, with a considerable increase compared to the previous year (+37,7%). 

Le estimates for 2022 "indicate a recovery in exports, which are growing not only in comparison with 2021 (+15,2%), but also compared to the pre-pandemic period (+12,1% on 2019)", he underlined Benedict Lavino, acting president of Cosmetica ItaliaOn the occasion of COSMOPROF India, from 6 to 8 October in Mumbai.

for Italian companies, with a production destined for more than 40% to international markets, le business opportunity with foreign countries they remain fundamentally strategic. 

India: sixth country for the consumption of cosmetics in the world

India is the sixth country for cosmetics consumption worldwide with a value of almost 12 billion. Over the past decade, the growth of cosmetics consumption in India has more than doubled. 

The product categories that polarize Indian consumption are those of cosmetics forbody hygiene and for hair care: together they concentrate almost half of cosmetic consumption. The most requested Italian products on the Indian market are the fragrances (4,2 million equal to 29% of total exports to New Delhi); follow i depilatory products (4,0 million, 27,5% of total exports) ei hair productsi (2,1 million, 14,6% of the total).
