
What is symbiotic agriculture: the cultivation system that starts from the soil for healthier and more sustainable food

Innovative agri-food production system that respects matter, the environment and biodiversity through the use of "good" microbiology (fungi, bacteria and yeasts). This is how symbiotic agriculture works

What is symbiotic agriculture: the cultivation system that starts from the soil for healthier and more sustainable food

Feeding the planet by guaranteeing everyone better and cleaner food starting from biodiversity and changing a production model that has generated environmental disasters that we find ourselves dealing with today. With this goal in mind, theSymbiotic agriculture, defined by a detailed specification, the innovative agri-food production system based on processes and practices capable of enriching the soil rather than depleting it. A concrete response to the increasingly alarming state of health of our planet.

This form of agriculture developed following studies and experiments thanks to the Eco-Symbiotic Consortium, chaired by Sergio Capaldo, former zootechnics manager of Slow Food and director of the Consortium of breeders "La Granda" of Genola, in the Cuneo area. Furthermore, Capaldo also owes the creation of the disciplinary of the Symbiotic Agriculture certification, managed by the Ecosi consortium company and so far requested by 14 agri-food companies. By the end of the year there will be about thirty certified companies.

The initiative starts from the idea of ​​creating a perfect symbiosis between soil and food. Instead of focusing solely on the product that ends up on our tables, symbiotic agriculture focuses on the real responsible for the quality of the food we eat every day: the earth. If the soil is also healthy, the food will also be more genuine as well as sustainable. But how does it work?

What is Symbiotic Agriculture and what benefits does it bring?

THEsymbiotic agriculture it is a production system that does not use chemistry and invasive techniques, but focuses on the natural enrichment of the soil through microbial formulations that include "friendly" bacteria (such as fungi, humus and zeolitic minerals) capable of stimulating the recovery of biodiversity and soil microbial activity. In this way the soil is healthier and cleaner, allowing the plants to better absorb the nutrients nutrients and retain more carbon dioxide so they become more resistant to disease and drought. This natural protection allows you to do without chemicals, as well as increasing soil fertility.

Not only that, this technique brings together a series of practices, such as: crop rotation and the replacement of monocultures, the abolition of GMOs and products derived from GMOs, the use of all conservation agriculture practices, for example, the minimal tillage, the drastic decrease in the consumption of nitrogenous, phosphate, potash and pesticide fertilizers.

I benefits of symbiotic agriculture however, they do not only concern microorganisms and plants. They also involve animals, since they use a raw material with a high nutritional value, essential for their health. But also man given that according to a study by the British Journal of Nutrition, fruits are also richer from the point of view nutritional and nutraceutical. It is clearly the beginning of a journey, further studies will be needed to see all the benefits.

Symbiotic agriculture: where can you buy the products?

There are already many i products commercially obtained thanks to thesymbiotic agriculture, which can be found on the shelves of Eataly, such as Erbalatte milk (La Corte Farm), toma (Caseificio Ceirano & Villosio), mozzarella and primo sale (Coop Tesori bio), fruit jams and compotes (La Sandrina), salads (Gambaro Farm) , eggs (Alessandro Varesio Farm) and the Giotto de La Granda hamburger (Ponso Farm and Prato Farm).
