
Corrado Calabrò and his poems anticipate the closing of the Amalfi literary summer

Corrado Calabrò, former president of Agcom, with his collection "Fifth dimension" was the protagonist in Amalfi where the review "Amalfi d'Autore" is coming to an end. Literary Encounters”

Corrado Calabrò and his poems anticipate the closing of the Amalfi literary summer

Corrado Calabrò's poems anticipate the closing of Amalfi's literary meetings. The review, promoted by the Municipality, and by the Amalfi Culture and History Center, will close on 7 September but the time to return to work and the end of the holidays is approaching. An evening dedicated to poetry was therefore the choice of the mayor and the cultural center of Amalfi to prepare the farewell. The evening was dedicated to reading and discovering “Fifth dimension. Selected poems 1958-2021” edited by Mondadori. A tribute to Corrado Calabrò, former president of the Communications Authority (Agcom), councilor of state and grand commis with a long career in the service of the state during which, however, he never neglected his passion for poetry. He has published numerous collections and – as a great swimmer – has maintained a close link with the sea. More than one clue, therefore, links it to an ancient maritime republic like Amalfi. The anthology presented in Amalfi presents itself as an ideological and spiritual testament of his work.

In "Fifth Dimension" the sea, astrophysics and love are the key elements around which the collection revolves, updated with the most recent production by Calabrò. His first poems were published in 1960 by the publisher Guanda of Parma with the title "Prima Expectation" when he was twenty years old. Other twenty-three volumes followed, including "Rosso d'Alicudi" published in 1992 by Mondadori, "A life for him", Oscar Mondadori 2002, "The promised star" in the Mondadori "Lo Specchio" collection . 2009, a house overlooking the coast of Bocale, on the Strait of Messina. The sea represents our trait d'union, the connection point with Amalfi. It will certainly be a dialogue full of food for thought, an opportunity not to be missed”.

Fifth dimension is a complete anthological work, updated with Calabrò's most recent production. A poetic self-portrait from which emerges the strong awareness achieved with full expressive maturity, capable of establishing profound relationships between texts born in different moments of his life.

«The true originality of Calabrò» wrote Carlo Bo in 1992, identifying one of the central motifs of his entire work «lies in having detached himself from the common models to pursue a different poetic experimentation. He sang not of his sea, but rather of the idea of ​​an eternal and unfathomable sea.'
