
Coronavirus: symptoms, drugs, swabs. Expert advice

How to recognize coronavirus symptoms? What to do if they show up? When is the swab needed? The answers of the Istituto Superiore della Sanità, of general practitioners and of the Ministry of Health

Coronavirus: symptoms, drugs, swabs. Expert advice

They begin to see each other the effects of the containment measures implemented by the Government to combat the coronavirus, although there is still no certainty that the infections are slowing down. Indeed, after a few days of hope, the number of infections in Lombardy has risen again. Precisely for this reason it is time to keep our guard up, stay at home and avoid mistakes that could expose ourselves and others to risks.

So we thought about answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the coronavirus, based on the indications provided by the experts of the Ministry of Health, by theIstituto Superiore di Sanita and general practitioners.


The Istituto Superiore di Sanità directly answers this question, through a handbook containing useful advice for citizens, also published in the Ministry of Health website.

“The most common symptoms of are fever, tiredness and dry cough. Some patients may experience muscle aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and start gradually. In severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death."

Source: Ministry of Health

It should be emphasized that not all people who have contracted the coronavirus have symptoms. Some may in fact be asymptomatic, others may present mild symptoms (children and young people in primis). “About 1 in 5 people with COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and presents breathing difficulties, requiring hospitalization ”, underlines the ISS. 


“Elderly people and those with underlying diseases, such as hypertension, heart problems or diabetes and immunosuppressed patients (due to congenital or acquired disease or under treatment with immunosuppressant drugs, transplants) are more likely to develop serious forms of the disease”.

Source: Ministry of Health


In the meantime, let's explain what it is.

The incubation period represents the period of time between infection and the development of clinical symptoms. 

Source: Ministry of Health

This is the explanation of the ISS. As for the duration, the experts estimate a period from two to 11 days long, but you can go up to a maximum of 14.


In the presence of cough, fever (particularly if above 37,5 degrees) or breathing difficulties, especially if previous contact with a person with Covid-19 is suspected, the Ministry of Health recommends:

stay at home, do not go to the emergency room or at doctor's offices but call your family doctor, your pediatrician or the medical guard on the phone. Or call the green number regional. Use the emergency numbers 112/118 only if strictly necessary.

Source: Ministry of Health

These are very important tips because they concern our safety and that of others. To contact the general practitioner is the first step to take in the presence of symptoms. The doctor will not come to visit us at home, but will try to keep the situation under control and prescribe the medicines indicated by telephone. three parameters to check: breathing rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation. 

Secondo the advice given to Corriere della Sera by general practitioners:

For the former it is enough to count the breaths in one minute (up to 20 is the norm); for blood pressure you need the device, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. Oxygen saturation can be assessed with the oximeter, a low-cost instrument which, placed on the finger, detects respiratory failure in the initial phase. However, the device is nowhere to be found and it is precisely to check this parameter that doctors carry out home visits. Alternatively, they ask the patient to take a few steps to intercept breathing difficulties. Who owns it can use the heart rate monitor.

Source: Corriere della Sera

The level of oxygenation is the symptom that can make us understand if the situation is under control or not. If it drops below 95% (92% for the elderly) and we start to feel short of breath, we need to call the doctor or 112 immediately. 


Tachipirina in the first place, necessary to bring down the fever. In case of superinfections, antibiotics are used. Antivirals, on the other hand, are only administered in the hospital. "Soon we will free up the possibility for family doctors to prescribe anti-AIDS drugs for the treatment of Covid-19", announced the director general of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa), Nicola Magrini, in an interview with Capital Radio. "For other drugs, such as the anti-malarial chloroquine - underlined Magrini - instead there are "risks" and caution is needed with respect to mass use". 


The indication to perform the swab is placed by the doctor in symptomatic subjects for acute respiratory infection and who meet the criteria indicated in the circular of the Ministry of Health of 09/03/2020, including: contact with a probable or confirmed case of COVID -19, coming from areas with local transmission, hospitalization and the absence of another cause that fully explains the clinical picture.

Source: Ministry of Health

This is what the Ministry of Health explains. In general therefore, even in the presence of symptoms, it is not said that you will be subjected to a throat swab. This is creating various controversies and, according to some experts, the decision to swab only the most serious cases implies that in our country the cases of coronavirus positivity are far higher than the official ones. During an interview with Republic a few days ago, the head of the Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli, stated that "the report of one certified patient for every ten not registered is credible".


Absolutely not. At the moment the swab can only be carried out by health personnel at the time of hospitalization. We must therefore be careful because numerous scams are beginning to spread that speak of swabs made in private and paid structures. The prices, of course, are exorbitant.

There are currently no commercial kits to confirm the diagnosis of new coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2. The diagnosis must be performed in the regional reference laboratories, in case of positivity to the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the diagnosis must be confirmed by the national reference laboratory of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

Source: National Institute of Health
