
Coronavirus: Unicredit employees collect 1,2 million

Received more than 3000 donations in just two weeks, of which over 20% from overseas employees.

Coronavirus: Unicredit employees collect 1,2 million

The fundraising of Unicredit employees, organized for support three of the most involved Italian hospitals in the battle against Covid-19. In just two weeks, 3.016 donations were received from employees, which helped raise a total amount of over 1.228.000 euros, of which 1 million euros offered by the Unicredit Foundation.

“I am very proud and grateful – commented the CEO Jean-Pierre Mustier – for the generosity of our colleagues and once again I want to thank very much all those who have donated to this important cause. These contributions, together with the support of the Unicredit Foundation, allow our Group to provide significant help to specialists to treat the sick and finance research into the study of treatments and vaccines. Together we will continue to do the right thing and, as a team, we will get through this difficult time.”

Taking into account the preferences expressed by the donors, the contributions will be divided as follows:

• 556.600 euros to the Luigi Sacco hospital in Milan;

• 353.500 euros to the Spallanzani National Institute for Infectious Diseases in Rome;

• 318.600 euros to the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation in Pavia

In addition to this fundraiser, Unicredit has organized in the various countries where it is present other important donations to local health services to continue doing the right thing and contribute where possible to the fight against the pandemic. In Italy, the bank in Piazza Gae Aulenti has donated 2 million euros to the Civil Protection Department for the purchase of masks, sanitary material and medical equipment; 360.000 euros to the Italian Red Cross thanks to funds raised through the Unicredit Card Flexia Classic Etica and 200.000 euros were donated by the Unicredit Foundation to the Policlinico Hospital of Milan. Unicredit has also made available to the Italian Red Cross a completely free solidarity current account for fundraising in support of all the activities that the CRI is implementing to tackle the crisis.
