
Coronavirus, subsidized loans to business customers from Banca Ifis

The Venetian bank provides subsidized loans to companies that have decided to convert part of their production lines in support of the health emergency.

Coronavirus, subsidized loans to business customers from Banca Ifis

Subsidized loans to client companies that have decided to convert part of their production lines to support the health emergency; advantages in the disbursement of mortgages and leasing; granting of liquidity to pharmacies, equal to the days of closure up to a maximum of 30 days. These are some of the measures taken by Bank Ifis to face the crisis generated by the pandemic COVID-19, which is putting the Italian productive fabric and many families in difficulty.

"We want to manage this phase of social and economic uncertainty - explains a note from Banca Veneta - by putting in place concrete initiatives, capable of supporting the recovery of consolidated entrepreneurial activities and, at the same time, being alongside those that change their trajectory production and need to resettle new supply chains in the area. All this without forgetting to better protect all our employees, for whom we have also activated health insurance coverage for Covid-19. We have encouraged and promoted smart working, with immediate application to situations of greater fragility to arrive at the full application of smart working at 95% in two weeks of the Group workforce”.

In particular Banca Ifis said it will support with dedicated credit lines customer companies that have converted part of their processing lines to produce masks, sanitizing gels, technical material for civil protection, machinery components for oxygenating patients, treatment of plasma and blood products. "This is a recovery process that is useful both for concretely dealing with the current emergency and for the company itself, which thus has the possibility of resuming operations while maintaining the employment level unchanged", specifies the note.
