
Coronavirus, France also closes (but only from Monday)

President Emmanuel Macron, speaking on live TV, has decided to close schools and universities throughout the country – Administrative meetings will be held regularly on Sunday – Tax relief for businesses – Hypothesis of closing borders, “but only if at European level”.

Coronavirus, France also closes (but only from Monday)

After France has become the second European country for infections (it is sailing towards 3.000, with over 60 deaths) and that the CAC40, the transalpine stock market index, recorded - as well as Piazza Affari – the worst loss in its history, President Emmanuel Macron has finally made up his mind: France is also “shutting down” due to the coronavirus, but only starting from Monday and not with the same draconian measures already launched in Italy. Macron communicated on live TV that starting next week all schools and universities in the country will remain closed until a date to be determined.

They are invite older people (over 70) to stay at home or suffering from chronic pathologies, while no provision has been given for offices (even if smart working is encouraged) and shops. "It is the most serious health crisis for a century - said Macron -, but in the vast majority of cases Covid-19 is not dangerous, but the consequences can be very serious for people at risk". Public transport will operate regularly. Not only that: on Sunday the 15th the municipal elections were also confirmed in France, involving 36.000 municipalities including the capital Paris, and therefore millions of voters.

"Nothing will stop the French from going to the polls", said Macron speaking live on TV at 20pm. In his address to the nation, the president launched an appeal to French citizens inviting them to cohesion: "We must blockade, preventing solutions from emerging individualist or nationalist,” Macron said though he did not rule out the closure of the borders, on condition, however, that this takes place at a European level. “I'm counting on you all for the days and weeks to come – said the tenant of the Elysée -. We are all actors in this situation, he is not alone in government. I invite you to invent new forms of solidarity. We must build a more sovereign France and Europe”.

After paying homage to healthcare workers, calling them "heroes", Macron then decreed a great plan to support the economy, which has been severely tested by the health emergency. The details will be taken care of by the Executive, but in the meantime the president has said that the economy will be sustained “whatever the costs. We will not add the economic crisis to the health crisis. We don't want entrepreneurs to be afraid, we will protect jobs and the self-employed." For companies, the postponement of the tax deadlines for the month of March is expected, while a "more generous, German-style" redundancy fund system is being studied for workers.

France therefore takes the first drastic measures to counter the spread of the coronavirus, even if they still seem a little shy compared to the shock therapy that has become necessary in Italy. Angela Merkel also spoke in the evening: Germany is the third European country for infections, which are multiplying dramatically. Today, Friday 13 March, Berlin will also announce its anti-virus plan.
