
Cooperatives: more than half of the largest reside in the North East

The Alliance of Italian Cooperatives has published a report analyzing the composition of the Boards of Directors of all the major Italian cooperatives. The data shows a heterogeneous distribution which sees the greatest concentration of cooperatives in the North East area with 154 cooperatives out of 251, a good 61,4%.

Cooperatives: more than half of the largest reside in the North East

From a report by the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives which analyzes the composition of the board of directors of the largest co-ops in Italy, a rather heterogeneous distribution by gender, age and above all by concentration on the territory clearly emerges. This is the most interesting data, which reveals how out of 251 of the coops examined (the sample was chosen on the basis of the financial statements presented in 2012 which have a production value equal to or greater than 50 million euros) as many as 154 are located in the area North East of Italy.

Of the activities carried out by cooperatives, those devoted to the agri-food sector are by far the most numerous, accounting for 43%. Co-ops in the distribution sector follow, with 19,9%, and in order of industry, services to companies and businesses, social enterprises and pharmaceutical co-ops.

Lastly, the report focuses on the gender distribution of the Boards of Directors of these 251 cooperatives. The presence of women in the command bodies of Italian co-ops is still very low, reaching an average of 13,8%, only 513 women 3.709 Directors. The boards where the women's team is strongest are those in the social enterprise sector, where the number of women even exceeds that of men, stuck at 57 male directors against 69 women.
