
Comrades counter-order: "true" pizza can be made in an electric oven

War breaks out between purists and innovators after the decision of the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana to approve pizzas cooked with Scugnizzonaoletano in an electric oven.

Comrades counter-order: "true" pizza can be made in an electric oven

News that exploded in the world of Neapolitan pizzerias, Unesco's intangible heritage, like a bomb, causing many purists to turn up their noses: a "true" pizza does not need a wood-burning oven but can also be cooked in an electric oven . Centuries of history and traditions fall in the face of this sensational ruling which has unleashed a religious war between purists and innovators. A sentence that was not issued by any court but by the AVPN, the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana” which has been protecting the True Neapolitan Pizza in the world since 1984. The AVPN has in fact decided to approve and enroll in its Register of Qualified Suppliers the "Scugnizzonapoletano", the electric oven conceived and designed in Naples by Eng. Russian Krauss.

"Once again an innovation to protect tradition - this is how Antonio Pace, AVPN President expresses himself in relation to the sensational decision of the Association - made possible thanks to an electric oven that responds to specific quality parameters and protects the indispensable profession of the baker . The Scugnizzonapoletano is, in fact, the first electric oven capable of reproducing the heat sources necessary for cooking true Neapolitan pizza according to the Regulations”.

The reaction of the "woodworkers" was not long in coming: "The art of the Neapolitan pizza maker - counterattacks Sergio Miccù, president of the Neapolitan pizza maker association - also lies in the use of the wood-burning oven for cooking pizza. Our tradition cannot bend to choices of an economic nature. With the use of the electric oven, the Unesco recognition itself is at risk as well as the Stg brand, a guaranteed traditional specialty” and adds “It was a punch to the heart to see the sign “Pizza Napoletana – Electric Oven, electric oven”. Hence the invitation to revolt: "I invite the members of the Verace Neapolitan pizza association of the first hour, the master pizza makers who believe in their art, in the tradition of their families, to leave Avpn". Finally, the declaration of war: The Neapolitan Pizza Makers Association, "which not by chance has the U in its name, will always fight for the protection of Neapolitan pizza according to tradition, teaching and handing down, through its own training school, the art of Neapolitan pizza maker, our uniqueness in the world. I point out that even the craftsmen capable of producing wood-burning ovens are unique to Campania and export all over the world».

Electric oven for real Neapolitan pizza

The rejoinder is entrusted to Massimo Di Porzio, vice president of the Avpn who condemns the populist attitude of the Neapolitan Pizzaiuoli Association: “the choice was made by looking to the future – says Di Porzio – we experimented with this oven for a year. I too was among the hawks. But the world is going in another direction, so it's useless to settle in defense. In many countries of the world the use of combustion is no longer accepted. Remaining extremist could mean that in 50 years there may be no more pizza"

The AVPN explains that the approval of the oven was reached after a long verification process during which the Scugnizzonapoletano was subjected to numerous tests, both at low and high speeds, up to the simulation of the Saturday night work of a pizzeria successfull. The verification personally involved the Board of Directors of the Association also made up of Massimo Di Porzio and Paolo Surace and also took into account the experiences and tests carried out by the many instructors and authentic pizza makers who, in recent years, have tested, used and bought this oven.

Stefano Auricchio, AVPN General Manager adds: ”we have taken into account the Green change that is underway in many countries around the world. At this moment it is even more necessary to adopt choices in favor of ecology and the environment that are consistent with the path taken by the Association in recent years."

The decision means that from today the pizzerias that choose the Scugnizzonapoletano will be able to join the Association and use the "Forno Elettrico - Electric Oven" Pizza Napoletana table which protects consumers by certifying compliance with the Specifications of the True Neapolitan Pizza and the art of Neapolitan pizza maker, Unesco intangible heritage”.

To become affiliated you must have an electric oven certified by the AVPN, show the documentation certifying the impossibility of installing a wood-burning oven, comply with the AVPN International Specifications on cooking times and temperatures, show a video of all stages of the production process ( preparation of the dough, cutting of the loaves, handling, cooking and presentation of the pizza).

pizza true Neapolitan pizza association

And the oven? On the Scugnizzonapoletano website we read that the professional electric oven for true Neapolitan pizza, designed and made in Naples, guarantees Pizza ready in 60 seconds with your mouth open, up to 9 pizzas at the same time, traditional cooking with heat, infrared and air motion , constant and uniform temperature. Other characteristics: it can be transported with retractable wheels, optional flue, hand-worked copper dome, monobloc sill in lava stone, cooking chamber in handcrafted refractory bricks, ground in Sorrento biscuit, thick electro-welded galvanized iron frame

The True Neapolitan Pizza Association was founded in June 1984 in Naples to promote the True Neapolitan Pizza throughout the world through its own International Regulations.

Initially there were about twenty members, including "Ciro in Santa Brigida", "Salvatore" at the Riviera di Chiaja, with maestro Salvatore Jossa, "Don Salvatore" in Mergellina, "Lombardi" in Santa Chiara, "Ciro" at Borgo Marinari , “Il Ragno d'Oro” in Vomero, the pizzeria “Alba” in piazza Immacolata”, “Capasso” in Porta S. Gennaro, “Cafasso” in via Giulio Cesare, “Mattozzi” in piazza Carità… In other words, the flower of the historic Neapolitan pizzerias. Then, slowly, many others were added, including "Trianon" in via Pietro Colletta, "Umberto" in via Alabardieri, "Cantanapoli" in via Chiatamone, "Gennaro" in Bagnoli, "La Notizia", ​​"La Caraffa" , "Gaetano" in Ischia as well as hundreds of other pizzerias located in Italy and around the world.

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