
Counter-plan of the centrists that overturns the horizon of the maneuver: development is the real flag

by Ernesto Auci – Casini and Rutelli's counter-current government proposal: lasting reforms and growth to change Italy's economic scenario – The courageous suggestions of Mario Baldassarri, Linda Lanzillotta (who translates the proposals put forward on Firstonline into amendments) and Nicola Rossi

Counter-plan of the centrists that overturns the horizon of the maneuver: development is the real flag

Casini and Rutelli, flanked by Bocchino representing the Fli, presented a real counter-maneuver that finally finds the courage to focus on the objective of increasing competitiveness and therefore Italy's rate of development. Compared to Tremonti's decrees, it is a radical change of perspective: the intention is not only to rake in here and there the money needed to contain the public deficit, but the focus is on real reforms capable not only of reducing public spending by simplifying the monstrous political apparatus- bureaucracy that suffocates the country, but also to restore efficiency to our products and therefore give new job and growth prospects to young people and women who today are condemned to remain on the margins of the labor market.
As illustrated in a technically qualified manner by Mario Baldassarri, Linda Lanzillotta (who transformed the proposals on local public services put forward on FIRSTonline on 17 August last into parliamentary amendments), Nicola Rossi, it is possible to proceed with a trajectory of public spending which, despite the many maneuvers of recent years has increased significantly, and in some cases, absurdly. Therefore, despite the demonstrations by the mayors and the presidents of the Regions, it is precisely there that we need to make an impact, not to reduce services to citizens, but to introduce criteria for rationalizing expenses and reducing inefficiencies and robberies that lurk in the monstrous expansion of expenses, above all for purchases of goods and services made by the PA. In these days mayors and regional presidents demonstrating against the cuts could at least try to make a small self-criticism, and promise citizens a complete review of their spending and the procedures that are being adopted, in order to ensure that not a single euro will be wasted. And
but no one ever mentions a greater commitment of local authorities towards the fight against waste!
Casini and Rutelli appeared aware that a maneuver that deeply affects the state apparatus through a radical reduction in the number of provinces, a closure of smaller and peripheral courts, a shortening of the implementation times of the pension reform both for men that for women, could lead to the risk of unpopularity. However, they wanted to focus on the maturity of the Italians, on the fact that if just and fair sacrifices are asked, the majority of citizens, by now tired of demagoguery and the inability to make decisions on the of government parties, would be willing to do so in order to get out of the stagnation we've been in for too many years.
The Ferragosto maneuver was already ugly, unbalanced on the tax side and certainly depressive from the point of view of growth. The vetoes of the League and Berlusconi's uncertainties are in all likelihood leading to a further deterioration. Taxes will increase further while more money will be given to local authorities which will continue to manage peacefully through 4500 local companies services to citizens ineffective and very expensive. It is symptomatic that, for example, Naples has the highest cost of urban cleaning in Italy with the result that waste lies on the streets!
The centrists have found the political courage to show the Italians a different perspective: a real structural recovery to return to growth. It is difficult to say whether the government majority will want to take it into consideration. Maybe not, but public opinion must be aware that a real alternative to fraudulent maneuvers that impoverish Italians (at least those who have no voice to protest) without even achieving appreciable results, exists and that it's not about dreams, but about concrete, honest and possible things.
