
Contributions Private coffers: Covid postpones deadlines

Here is the new calendar for the main professional categories - The difficulties of the period illustrated in the first Adepp report on Welfare: the cessation of 100 thousand activities is expected

Contributions Private coffers: Covid postpones deadlines

Referral for contributions from private funds. Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, almost all Italian private pension funds have postponed the deadline for the balance of supplementary contributions (on turnover) and subjective contributions (on income) for the year 2019. This is what emerged from the meeting of the presidents of the private social security institutions (Adepp), who asked for a clarification regarding the ministries of Economy and Labour. The doubt concerns the legitimacy of the extensions launched by the coffers: 30 days after the resolutions, is the principle of silent consent from the ministries valid?

While waiting for clarifications, let's see what are the new deadlines established by the main private pension funds for the 2019 balance.


Payment in a single solution by 31/12/2020 or in two installments: the first by 31/3/2021 and the second by 31/3/2022.


First installment by 15/10/2020; second installment by 31/12/2020.


Payment in a single solution by 20/12/2020 or in 2, 3 or 4 equal installments for the sole excess of the subjective contribution (but increased by legal interest) by 20/12/2019, 31/3/2021, 30/6/2021 and 30/9/2021.


The new installment calendar is as follows: 30/6/2020; 31/7/2020; 31/8/202; 30/9/2020.


Payment in a single solution by 31/10/2020 or in three equal installments (plus interest) by 31/10/2020, 30/11/2020 and 31/12/2020.


31/12/2020 the 2019 balance; 31/8/2020 the 2019 balance of the supplementary contribution (only for those enrolled in the Register and not in the Cassa and for engineering companies).


Share A: payment in a single solution by 30/9/2020, or in four installments by 30/9/2020, 31/10/2020, 30/11/2020 and 31/12/2020.

Quota B: payment in a single solution by 31/10/2020, or in two installments by 31/10/2020 and 31/12/2020; or again in 5 installments by 31/10/2020, 31/12/2020, 28/2/2021, 30/4/2021 and 30/6/2021 (only installments due in 2021 are increased by legal interest) .


The monthly contribution must be paid by the end of the month following the one in question.


The new deadline is 31/12/2020.


Payment by 28/2/2021


In his first report on welfare, Adepp writes that, "according to some forecasts", the crisis triggered by Covid-19 "will cause the cessation of the activity of about 100 thousand professionals in the two-year period 2020-2021". This will increase the pressure on social security funds – many of which were already in crisis before the epidemic – putting the future pensions of today's young professionals at risk.

"Since early March - writes the Adepp - the Funds have activated and implemented ad hoc Welfare measures to deal with the crisis also by anticipating and managing the indemnity equal to 600 euros per month for the months of March and April", as well as that of one thousand euros relating to May. "For each month - continues the report - an average of 495.000 requests were accepted for payment out of a total of 1.298.000 active (non-retired) members".

Furthermore, explains the Association, "measures have been taken aimed at individual professionals and in support of their professional activity, granting further bonuses that can be combined with public indemnity, zero-interest loans, contributions for the rental fees of the professional studio and for the 'purchase of capital goods, credit facilities also through the stipulation of new agreements with banks and insurance companies'.

Not only that: the Funds have also provided for "the provision of allowances following hospitalization and for quarantine (mandatory and/or fiduciary), post-hospitalization reimbursements, contributions for diagnostics (swabs, serological tests, etc.), telephone consultancy or specialist medical video consultation, as well as free health insurance policies for compensation in the event of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus".

The overall expenditure for Welfare services - both active and assistance and strategic - provided by the Funds amounts to 509 million euros. In order to guarantee their members effective forms of protection and support, the Funds - within the limits of budget availability after having provided for the compulsory assistance - draw the resources to be allocated to welfare measures from the supplementary contribution, or from the supplementary subjective contribution, o from penalties and interest for non-compliance with contribution obligations and obligations regarding communications, as well as further and additional management savings.

Source: I Adepp Report on Welfare
