
Bank contract, platform ready: increases of 200 euros

On March 15, the unions meet to give the green light to the unitary platform preparatory to the bank contract - 6,5% monthly increases are expected, the confirmation of the Foc and smart working - Among the new features is the right of workers to disconnect

Bank contract, platform ready: increases of 200 euros

The platform for the renewal of the bank contract, after the tug of war of the last few months. The extension to 31 May established on 26 February gave the unions more time to organize themselves and to develop the measures to be included in the platform to be presented to the 300 workers involved and to the ABI: economic increase of 200 euros, entry salary for young people removed, Foc confirmed, stop to outsourcing, complementary contracts with a wage gap reduced from minus 20% to minus 10% compared to the table. These are the most important requests.

In this context, an important step will come tomorrow, March 15, when the general secretaries of all the trade unions representing the bankers (Fabi, First Cisl, Fisac, Uilca, Unisin) will meet to sort out the final details and give the definitive green light at the unified platform. The news was confirmed by the Fabi (Autonomous Italian Banking Federation).


Many requests contained within the document, first of all an increase of 6,5% of wages – at a standstill for years – equal in figures to 200 gross euros per month (when fully operational), an amount that takes into account both the recovery of inflation to 4,1% until 2021, and the two-point increase in productivity and the recognition of the commitment (0,4%) of the workers in operational and professional terms. For the meal ticket the request for adjustment is 5,29 euros for paper and 7 euros for electronic.

The platform also includes smart working with a national-level vision aimed at improving the family-work balance, reducing territorial mobility and providing for uniform evaluation criteria.

Moving forward, the platform confirms Foc (Employment Fund), requesting its expansion with incentives for the South and the identification of a fixed quota for recruitment financed by the fund.


Among the novelties, there is also the introduction in the national contract of the dright to disconnect. What is that? A guarantee on the basis of which bankers will have the freedom to disconnect from the corporate network after working hours, on weekends and on holidays and sick days.

“By now we work 24 hours a day – the banking unions explain to Corriere della Sera – because with the company tools entrusted to employees such as smartphones and laptops, it happens that requests and emails are sent at any time of the day. It's time to regulate this possibility and insert more precise rules."

After the go-ahead for the platform by the general secretaries of the individual acronyms, the text will be examined by the workers. Once this step has been passed, i will start again negotiations with the Abi representing the interests of the banks. The aim is to find a definitive agreement before the end of May.

