
Contracts: all wage increases requested by the unions

At the top of the ranking are workers in the food sector, followed by bankers, metalworkers and many others - The negotiation on renewals will not be easy at all

Contracts: all wage increases requested by the unions

There is not only the maneuver to deal with in the coming months. Autumn also brings with it a round of contract renewals anything but simple. Unions are calling for wage increases after years of frozen wages, while industrialists are slowing down, worried by the German recession and by the continuous declines in Italian production.

One of the busiest sectors is that feed. The workers' representatives demand a gross monthly increase of 205 euros, but Federalimentare said it was unavailable "to any opening on the incomprehensible extent" of the request, "which cannot be explained with respect to the inter-confederal rules".

In the ranking of increases asked of employers, the second place is occupied by trade unions banking, who want an extra 200 euros gross per month.

The lower the demand for metalworkers, which do not go beyond 153 euros, but also add 50 euros a year in welfare to the bill.

Three other sectors follow: telecommunications (141 euros), eyewear (115 euros) e rubber and plastic (100 euro).

How will it end? It is too early to tell, but the government's decisions will certainly weigh heavily on the negotiations minimum salary e tax wedge.
