
Conti (Confindustria): "The priority is to reduce the tax wedge, not block the VAT increase"

The number two of viale dell'Astronomia recalls that the deficit is at risk but asks that 4-5 billion euros be included in the stability law to be allocated to the reduction of the tax burden on labor - On the political side, Conti recalls that "the estimates on the recovery expected at the end of the year are based on the scenario that foresees the stability of the Government”.

Conti (Confindustria): "The priority is to reduce the tax wedge, not block the VAT increase"

“It is much more urgent and necessary for the revival of the real economy reduce labor cost and rebalance the tax burden on the payroll rather than intervene on consumption taxes and, therefore, on theVAT”. She said it today Fulvio Conti, vice president and head of the Confindustria Study Center, commenting on the microphones of Rai on the position of the deputy minister of the economy, Stefano Fassina, who instead had indicated the blocking of the VAT increase as a priority. According to the number two of viale dell'Astronomia, in the stability law the Government should identify at least 4-5 billion euros to be allocated to the reduction of the tax burden on labour.

As for the public finances, “we need the roof of the deficit at 3% be respected in order to give credibility to our plan to relaunch the economy – Conti underlined again -. The recovery needs government stability and other structural reform measures, which I still cannot see at the moment. Exceeding the 3% deficit/GDP ceiling would cost the system more, in terms of spreads and interest rates, and would create conditions that would prevent us from returning to growth, as instead we are imagining doing with a little voluntarism for next year”.

On the political side, Conti recalled that “the estimates of the expected recovery at the end of the year are based on the forecast scenario government stability: we need a strong Executive to couple urgent short-term measures with far-reaching ones". 
