
Conte, the metamorphosis of a prime minister and the non-existent conspiracy of strong powers

From amorphous notary of Salvini and Di Maio, in one year Conte has been able to completely change his role and position himself as a credible interlocutor of Europe and the Quirinale - The theory of sovereign opposition on the conspiracy of strong powers is purely propaganda

Conte, the metamorphosis of a prime minister and the non-existent conspiracy of strong powers

Let's assume that in a building with many apartments it is discovered that in one of them, perhaps on the first floor, a crack has opened in a load-bearing wall, which tends to widen and rise towards the other floors. The condominium assembly invites the owner of the apartment in question to provide, assuring him that he wants to assume the responsibilities due to the condominium. But this gentleman refuses, claiming that he has no intention of submitting to the interests of the community of owners and claiming the right to keep his own cracks in the walls (#master in my house). This is what is happening in Italy.

It is not my intention to pass a complete judgment on the government Count bis. As far as I'm concerned, after the words that the Prime Minister spoke in the Senate, clearly highlighting the danger to Matteo Salvini's institutions, I would be willing to appoint Count King, Emperor, even Pope. But it's right to wait for events, not to give anything for granted, see if the president in charge will be able to form a government, with which ministers and which program.

However things go, I find it dishonest to maintain that this eventual government will serve everyone's interests except those of Italy. Above all, I cannot understand how national interests are different from those of the Union, France and Germany. In my television wanderings I even happened to meet a member of the Brothers of Italy (of MSI origin) who defined a possible Conte government as a "collaborator" with Germany, when history bears witness to a "collaboration" with a very different from that of today, which has cost horrors, mourning and devastation for our country.

Having said that, I would like to understand what our national interest corresponds to, according to the free and courageous patriots. Italy emerges from the experience of the yellow-green government with an increased tax burden, with a public debt which in October will reach 2,4 trillion euros, with economic growth tending to zero, with a substantial failure (at least in the objectives of promoting the employment of young people and eradicating poverty) of the 100 quota and of the basic income, the identity pivots of the contract for change and of the 2019 budget law. All this to remain in field of economics (where they were wasted, talking nonsense (remember i minibots?) huge resources threatening shirtless ('at Matté faces Tarzan) not to abide by the European rules, except to surrender at the first roar of that Commission mocked until the previous day.

If one wanted to explore other horizons, the government stood out – with i security decrees - in violate everything that was possible for him: from article 10 of the Constitution to international treaties and customs, to the laws of the sea. And to human piety. Isolated at European level and considered unreliable on that of international alliances, Italy has experienced one of the heaviest periods in its recent history.

It will be said that Conte and the M5S hadn't gone fishing when all this happened. It is true. But things change and in politics count the acts. It can honestly be argued that Conte is the one from a year ago? If at the beginning of his mandate more than a "lawyer of the people" he resembled the lawyer of his two deputies, "placed there in the vineyard to act as a stake", ready to carry out their orders, perhaps contenting himself with providing some advice in private ( sensational were his backtracking on sensitive issues after Matteo Salvini's outbursts and pathetic his phone calls from Brussels to get the green light), as the months went by he took seriously the task that had been entrusted to him "a bit for jokes , a little so as not to die”.

It has become him the interlocutor of the “Brussels bureaucrats”. He understood where the real decisions are made and realized that it is better to have access to the control room, albeit from a service entrance and politely asking permission to enter. He was the point of reference for the Quirinale within the now resigned government. A man of mediation between the opinions of others, he has learned to make a synthesis by putting his own into it. When the contents of the maneuver for the current year had to be negotiated with the Commission, despite the vulgar clamors coming from the optimates of the majority, with a real coup de theatre, he modified, together with Minister Tria, the order of the decimals (from 2,4 to 2,04) of the deficit, with the consequent cuts in spending for share 100 and CBI, in defiance of the festive toasts of the pentastellati.

A few months later, with the budget adjustment stunt, the prime minister disarmed the infringement procedure again by silencing his two deputies (in particular Captain Fracassa) and forcing them to skip the meeting of the Council of Ministers which signed the act of surrender. How was it possible that a gentleman mocked by comedians, considered a Carneade and lacking political support, so much so that he could be defined, with impunity, as a "puppet" in a session of the European Parliament, became in the space of a few months a decision maker of the last instance?

Conte was able to take advantage of the terror of the pentastellati for a possible early vote, so as to convince them that he was the one who could prevent them from taking the leap into the dark and he persuaded them of the fact that the only way out available to them, after the defeat of May 26, was not to return to the barricades (where Salvini was already), but to carve out a space for himself within the institutions (never forget that the M5S started the electoral campaign for the European elections by courting the yellow vests and ended it by voting, in a decisive way , for Ursula Von der Leyen).

But returning to the national interest, as we must consider, in these hours, the leap to Piazza Affari, the collapse of the spread and interest rates on BTPs? Like the effect of a conspiracy of strong powers, the same ones who had declared war on the Captain by raising the spread on purpose? Or the hope of having freed themselves, at least until the 2020 budget law, of Matteo Salvini and his policies?
