
Consult, white smoke: Renzi unlocks appointments by downloading Forza Italia and opening up to M5S

In the 32nd vote, Parliament finally elects the new constitutional judges (Brabera, Prosperetti and Modugno) thanks to Renzi's wing shot who takes advantage of Brunetta's own goal, unloads Forza Italia and allies with the 5 Star Movement.

Consult, white smoke: Renzi unlocks appointments by downloading Forza Italia and opening up to M5S

After 31 black smokes, the white one arrived. Parliament in joint session finally succeeded in electing the three missing constitutional judges. The green light was possible after the Democratic Party abandoned the agreement with Forza Italia to ally with the 5 Star Movement. The elected officials are Augusto Barbera (proposed by the Democrats), Giulio Prosperetti (proposed by Area Popolare) and Franco Modugno (who has always been a pentastellato candidate), who respectively obtained 581, 585 and 609 preferences, against a required quorum of 571 votes, equal to two thirds of those entitled.

The decision of the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, to abandon the blue candidate Francesco Paolo Sisto, the main obstacle to an agreement with the pentastellati, was decisive. A decision, that of the Premier, which came after the clash in the Montecitorio courtroom yesterday morning with the force group leader Renato Brunetta, as well as after the pressure from the Quirinale.

“Thanks to the coherence and intransigence of the M5S, first Violante and now Berlusconi's lawyer are no longer candidates for the Constitutional Court. In their place there will in fact be the labor lawyer Giulio Prosperetti, in addition to our candidate, the illustrious professor Modugno and the candidate of the Democratic Party, professor Barbera. We are avoiding the occupation of the Consulta by Renzi who wanted three party soldiers openly in favor of his disgusting reforms ”, commented Danilo Toninelli (M5s). 

Forza Italia has instead decided not to take part in tonight's vote: "It is very serious - commented Silvio Berlusconi - that the Constitutional Court does not have even a single judge belonging to the centre-right".
