
Constitution, all the mini-reforms in the pipeline: green light to the Senate elected on a district basis

News also for the islands - Direct election of the President of the Republic rejected - News on sport, Cnel, Roma Capitale, electoral laws and popular initiative are in the pipeline

Constitution, all the mini-reforms in the pipeline: green light to the Senate elected on a district basis

Work in progress almost without interruption, and almost in general inattention, for ours Constitution. Quietly, last week the House approved the bill which provides that the Senate is elected on a district rather than a regional basis. The text now passes to the examination of Palazzo Madama.

Not only that: already in April the Senate had approved in second resolution the constitutional law proposal which modifies article 119 concerning the recognition of peculiarities of the islands and overcoming the disadvantages deriving from insularity.

Rejected instead by the Chamber, also in this case between the almost general inattention, the proposal for the direct election of the President of the Republic, an initiative that saw the first signing of Giorgia Meloni.

The constitutional reforms already approved in this legislature

So far, there are three constitutional laws definitively approved in this legislature. The first is that which reduces the number of MPs and which was confirmed by referendum in September 2020. The following year, the constitutional law that lowers 25 to 18 the age to elect senators. Finally, the inserting law was published in February of this year the protection of the environment in the principles of our Charter.

Other changes in the pipeline

But we are really facing an open construction site. They are under parliamentary scrutiny a proposal for a popular legislative initiative (already approved by the House) and on recognition of the educational value of sports (passed by the Senate). And again: the introduction of an obligation for the legislator to respect the popular will expressed in an abrogative referendum; L'repeal of the Cnel; the identification of the priorities for carrying out criminal prosecution; The quorum for the approval of electoral laws; the discipline of Rome capital city; referendum for new regions.