
Consob, Palazzo Chigi to attack Nava: "Incompatible"

The initiative, which emerges from the report of the work in the Finance Committee in the Chamber, signals the growing pressure towards Nava, by the MPs of the M5S and the Prime Minister: verifications have been requested with respect to the previous position at the EU Commission.

Consob, Palazzo Chigi to attack Nava: "Incompatible"

The prime minister formally asked Consob for the outcome of the investigations into Mario Nava's incompatibility with the role of president of Consob, by virtue of his previous position at the European Commission. The initiative, which emerges from the report of the works in the Finance Committee in the Chamber, signals the growing pressure towards Nava, by the parliamentarians of the Five Star Movement. The grillini criticize the appointment made by the previous government because Nava allegedly maintained too close a relationship with Brussels. Nava was in fact director for financial supervision at the Commission and obtained a three-year secondment to hold the position of head of the authority.

The 5 Star Movement therefore asked the executive if it deems it appropriate to acquire the "internal Consob documentation on the incompatibility and on the normative and regulatory problems of President Nava". The Undersecretary for Relations with Parliament, Riccardo Fraccaro, replied as follows: "The Secretary General of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, on the order of the President of the Council of Ministers, has asked Consob whether the procedure for verifying the incompatibility of the Members of said Authority has been formally hesitated, also formulating a request for transmission copy of the related documents. At the moment, a reply has not yet been received from Consob to the aforesaid request". Consob has not replied and at the moment has not even commented on the matter.

The question was raised in particular by the 5s deputies Raphael Raduzzi and Raffaele Trano, "highlighting how Nava was commanded by the European Commission for a period of three years and, by virtue of the European legislation on external mobility, would enjoy substantial immunity against of the Italian judicial system". "Command and immunity are clearly incompatible with the independence and autonomy of Consob and its supervisory activity", write the two parliamentarians in a note. The government, for its part, in its reply says it is awaiting the "definitive determinations" of Consob, "reserving the right to evaluate them in the light of the current regulatory framework".
