
Consob, fine of almost 600 thousand euros to the "Amici della Bpm"

The leaders of the "Amici della Bipiemme" association, now dissolved, received a fine of 30 thousand euros each, for a total of 570 thousand euros - According to Consob, the association was configured as a "significant social pact" and as such should have been communicated within five days of signing

Consob, fine of almost 600 thousand euros to the "Amici della Bpm"

Consob has fined the heads of the now dissolved "Friends of the Bipiemme Association" for a total of 570 thousand euros. For the National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange, the association, "at least until the stage of presentation of the lists for the supervisory board of Banca Popolare di Milano in October 2011" was configured as a "significant social pact" and as such should have been communicated within five days of signing.

The fine concerns the leaders of the former association: Salvatore Carbone, Alessandro Dall'Asta, Anna Ferrari, Roberto Alba, Battista Botti, Gianluigi Canziani, Vanni Caramaschi, Enrico Casali, Gaetano Di Meo, Mario Francesco Donati, Giancarlo Estorelli, Fausto Mancini, Osvaldo Tettamanzi (as pro tempore members of the board of directors of the Amici della Bipiemme Association) and Stefano Isella, Rizziero Breviglieri, Saul Cenci, Vittorio Errani, Carlo Fontana and Massimiliano Pagani (as pro tempore members of the control and guarantee committee of the same Association), as well as, by way of joint and several liability, the same Association Friends of BPM.

Each of the 19 names received a fine of 30 euros, equal to a total of 570 euros, and the association was held jointly and severally liable "with the obligation of recourse against the persons indicated by name", as explained in the Consob bulletin.
