
Consob, e-mail and telephone to report the offences

Here is the first application of the whistleblowing law approved by Parliament in November. The methods of transmission of already existing documents or deeds of competence will not be replaced in any case

Consob, e-mail and telephone to report the offences

Consob has launched two new channels – one telephone, 06 / 9411099, and a telematic one, – exclusively dedicated to the immediate receipt of reports required by law relating to alleged violations or offences, the so-called whistleblowing. 


The potential illicit acts in question relate to "Regulations of the TUF as well as to directly applicable European Union acts in the same matters". Reports may be sent, even anonymously, by the personnel of supervised entities such as investment firms, asset management companies, Sicavs, banks and other entities indicated by art. 4-undeces of the Consolidated Law on Finance.

This is the first real e concrete application of the law on whistleblowing 170/2017 approved by Parliament last November. The Authority has specified that "always in respect of confidentiality", the report can also be sent by ordinary mail.

However, the two new channels will not replace the already existing methods for the transmission of documents or relevant deeds to Consob.

