
Consip: the value of PA purchases is 15,1 billion euros (+29%) in the third quarter of 2022

The value of public administration purchases on Consip instruments is growing. In September achieved a +29% compared to 2021.

Consip: the value of PA purchases is 15,1 billion euros (+29%) in the third quarter of 2022

Il purchase value carried out on 30 September 2022 from PA on the different purchasing tools and negotiation made available by CONSIP is equal to 15,1% billion euros (+29% compared to the same period of 2021).
Among the most used instruments we highlight the su contracts Conventions/Framework Agreements with a value of purchases of 8 billion euros (+68% compared to the third quarter of 2021) and the electronic market of Pa–Mepa, with 4,3 billion euros (same level as in 2021).

The use of races in ASP mode (application service provider), for which Consip makes available, free of charge, the negotiation platform for autonomous procurement by administrations. As at 31 March 2022, 273 tenders for a value of 1,8 billion euro had been announced (+64% in the first quarter of 2021). In the period between January and September 2022, 931 tenders were announced for a value of 5 billion euros (+4% compared to the third quarter of 2021).

There are over 100 "shopping centres" authorized to use the system CONSIP which the administrations can turn to to make their purchases.

About tender production activities, through which the new contracts made available to the PAs are awarded, in the first nine months of 2022 67 new initiatives were published (207 lots in total) for a value of over 14 billion euro and 66 initiatives were awarded (240 lots total) for a value of 8,5 billion euro.
