
Confindustria, Squinzi: "Hot autumn, reduce wage taxes"

The President of Confindustria: “We need regulatory and bureaucratic simplification” – “Sulcis and Alcoa crisis? Italy lacks an industrial policy” – The Ilva case “is emblematic of the country's regulatory complication”.

Confindustria, Squinzi: "Hot autumn, reduce wage taxes"

"Autumn is already hot, I'd say hot. There are thousands of small and medium sized businesses that are suffering from media silence. And they are the ones that worry us the most”. Turn it up George Squinzi, president of Confindustria, speaking on the television program Mattino Cinque a few hours before the new appointment between the Government and businesses. At 12, at Palazzo Chigi, Prime Minister Mario Monti will meet - in addition to the leader of the industrialists - also the presidents of the Italian Business Network, Abi, Ania and Alleanza delle Cooperative. 

"I expect an openness, a greater availability towards growth – continued Squinzi -. So far we haven't had much. There are two types of interventions to revive growth. Some with immediate effects including the stimulus to domestic consumption, which would be the most direct way to restart growth. The decline in industrial production is essentially linked to the decline in domestic consumption, due in particular to the tax levy”. 

For the relaunch of consumption, therefore, "we need to work in particular on the detaxation of wages – underlined the President of Confindustria – which would be the most direct and immediate way. I hope there is this space”. 

Squinzi also spoke of the weight of the bureaucracy, judging the government's moves on this front "of openings only in principle. No concrete measures have yet been seen in this direction. Today I hope something is put on the table by the government. We need regulatory, bureaucratic simplificationof a normal country. Our businesses can also be special, but if the country does not ensure conditions like those of the global market, we won't go far”.

On the issue of Sardinian mines, Squinzi said, “the problem is having a clear industrial policy, an idea of ​​industrial policy and for the moment it's not happening. The other important crisis, that of theAlcoa it is a crisis linked to one of the nodes of the country system: the cost of energy. If action is not taken on the possibility of having energy at competitive costs, the so-called energy-intensive activities are destined to disappear”. 

Finally, the case Ilva “it is truly emblematic of the bureaucratic-regulatory complication of the country – concluded Squinzi -. The Region can give more stringent parameters than the European ones. The health problem is a priority, however in the Ilva case it seems to me that improvements have been made in the 17 years of Riva management, we can speed up but let's not forget that it is a problem that comes from afar".
