
Confindustria-unions: agreement on shock absorbers

The proposal provides for an operational plan which, in the companies affected by Cigs with redundancies, promotes the training and redeployment of workers already during the layoff period through a union agreement.

Confindustria-unions: agreement on shock absorbers

Confindustria, CGIL, CISL and UIL have signed an agreement on labor policies in crisis areas and on social safety nets. The proposal, defined after a four-hour meeting and then sent tonight to the Government, provides for an operational plan which, in the companies affected by Cigs with redundancies, promotes the training and redeployment of workers already during the layoff period through a union agreement. The use of inter-professional funds is envisaged for training and outplacement.       

The set of proposals – reads a joint press release released at the end of the meeting – is designed to be implemented in its entirety, with the aim of better tackling the difficult economic situation and governing industrial transition processes more effectively.

In fact, the indicators of the labor market are affected by a situation of weakness, the recent legislative interventions to reform the social safety nets have significantly reduced the scope for action of passive labor policies and a complete set-up of active policies is still lacking.

"Confindustria, CGIL, CISL and UIL - reads the note - are confident that the Government will share these proposals and hope that they will be fully implemented, strengthened by the belief that, in the current productive and economic context, they are useful for giving adequate answers to businesses and workers".
