
Confindustria: ok to the vice presidents. Industrial relations in Stirpe

The General Council approved the new team proposed by the designated president Vincenzo Boccia with 70% of favorable votes. The latter retains powers over credit, energy, business networks and the Study Centre. Advisory board of 16 members with, among others, Caio, Caltagirone, Descalzi, Garrone, Moretti, Moretti Polegato, Recchi, Starace

Confindustria: ok to the vice presidents. Industrial relations in Stirpe

Confindustria, green light to the new team proposed by the designated president Vincenzo Boccia. The General Council of the entrepreneurial organization approved with about 70% of votes in favour: out of 157 voters, 107 voted yes, 37 no, 12 blank ballots and 1 blank ballot. Maurizio Stirpe will have the delegation for Labor and Industrial Relations.

La new Confindustria team it is made up of 10 members, three of whom are by right; he will remain in office for the four-year period 2016-2020. THE 6 elective vice presidents are: John Brugnoli, with responsibility for Human Capital; Lisa Ferrarini, with delegation to Europe; Antonella Mansi, with delegation to the Organization; Licia Mattioli, with responsibility for Internationalisation; Giulio Pedrollo with responsibility for Industrial Policy and Maurizio Stirpe, with responsibility for Labor and Industrial Relations. To these components are added i 3 vice presidents by right: Alberto Baban, president of Small Industry; Marco Gay, president of Young Entrepreneurs e Stefan Pan, President of the Council of Regional Representatives. Ferrarini, Mansi and Mattioli have all been confirmed in the positions they held in the team of president Giorgio Squinzi.

Boccia maintains the responsibility for some major strategic chapters, such as the credit and finance for growth, energy and business networks. For this reason, the delegation to the will report directly to the presidency Study Center which represents a functional junction for the coordination activity for economic policy, understood as fiscal and financial policy, on the one hand, and reform and simplification policy, on the other.

The General Council of Confindustria, at the express request of the designated president Boccia, also approved the choice of the 16 members of theAdvisory Board, a consultative body introduced by the Pesenti Reform as a place for strategic elaboration, a laboratory of ideas and skills from which, through a dialectical comparison between entrepreneurs and experts, contributions are expected on the priority themes of the economic agenda. dell'Advisory Boards are part: Francesco Caio, Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone, Gianfranco Carbonato, Elio Catania, Claudio De Albertis, Carlo De Benedetti, Claudio Descalzi, Vittorio Di Paola, Luca Garavoglia, Edoardo Garrone, Claudio Gemme, Mauro Moretti, Mario Moretti Polegato, Giuseppe Recchi, Roberto Snaidero and Francesco Starace.
