
Confindustria: Boccia president (87%)

Vincenzo Boccia is to all intents and purposes the new president of Confindustria for the next four years: in the private assembly of members he garnered 87% of the votes - Today he will make his debut in the public assembly illustrating his program: for the government the new Minister of Economic Development Calenda

Confindustria: Boccia president (87%)

Vincenzo Boccia is to all intents and purposes the new president of Confindustria for the next four years. The meeting of private shareholders read it with 87% of the votes.

Today Boccia, who had prevailed over Vacchi in the primaries, will make his debut at the public meeting in the Rome Auditorium where he will illustrate his programme. Already yesterday he said that industry must lead the renewal of Italy and that Confindustria will not be bipartisan but non-partisan, that is, it will carry forward his proposals by dialoguing with everyone but without taking sides politically.

The new Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, will also make his debut at the public meeting of Confindustria, who will speak on behalf of the Government.
