
Confesercenti: consumption -145 billion in 6 years, 1,6 million jobs lost

According to the association, in 2013 every Italian family risks seeing its purchasing power drop by 4 euros - The tax burden will rise this year to 44,4% of GDP, bringing the increase that hit the households to 621 euros taxpayers.

Confesercenti: consumption -145 billion in 6 years, 1,6 million jobs lost

If the Italian economic situation does not change in 2013, the GDP will suffer a further fall of about 20 billion, bringing the accumulated loss since 126 to 2008 billion. In the same period the jobs lost they would reach 1,6 million: "The drop would involve in equal measure (6%) the employees and the self-employed (over 434 units lost)". This is what Confesercenti estimates in a study presented today at the annual meeting.

As for the consumption, according to the association, in the last six years every Italian family has cut their spending by about 6 thousand euros. With an unchanged economic situation, in 2013 the collapse in consumption will be even more marked: “The 85 billion lost between 2008 and 2012 – reads the study – should be added to the drop expected for 2013: another 60 billion compared to pre-crisis level. In essence, the over 145 billion in consumption lost in the last six years imply a reduction in spending equal, on average, to almost 6 thousand for each Italian family”.

Confesercenti estimates that every family risks seeing its own drop purchasing power of 4 thousand euros: "The disposable income of families, which between 2008 and 2012 had recorded a decrease of the order of 94 billion, increases its decrease up to 98: in 2013, therefore, each household will see an average reduction of almost 4 euros for its own purchasing power; a reduction that is added to those suffered in the previous five years".

Finally, the tax chapter. If the economic situation will not change in 2013, the association believes that the tax burden it will rise to 44,4% of GDP, bringing the blow that has hit families and SMEs in the last six years to 621 euros. Above all, the levy on Irpef subjects (individuals and personal-based SMEs) would increase, "on the one hand, explicitly, due to the effect of the surtax increases approved by the Regions and Municipalities (205 euros the greater burden that will be borne by the taxpayer " average" at the end of 2013, compared to six years earlier); on the other, through fiscal drag, a higher levy of no less than 416 euros (always at the level of the average taxpayer) produced only by the monetary swelling of income (unchanged in real terms) and even in the presence of an Irpef structure which remained unchanged in 2007″.
