
Confartigianato, taxes for 54 billion more than the EU average

At the association's assembly, President Guerrini asked the government to immediately implement reforms for subsidiarity, young people and above all to rebalance the tax authorities – but "we are not for a leap in the dark driven by haste and political tactics".

Confartigianato, taxes for 54 billion more than the EU average

Taxation, youth work and subsidiarity. These are the three reforms that the Government should implement immediately according to the president of Confartigianato, Giorgio Guerrini, who spoke today at the association's annual assembly. In particular, artisan entrepreneurs are asking for "a reform that reduces the tax burden and balances it in favor of work and business, that aligns the taxation of income to European levels". Guerrini then recalled that "in Italy the tax burden is 3,5 points of GDP higher than the European average, which means 54 billion euros more in taxes for us".

But Confartigianato "does not want a tax reform at all costs: we need a rebalancing of taxation in favor of businesses and labour, for an alignment of income taxation with the European one, we are not for a leap in the dark driven by haste and political tactics ”. Another problem is the fact that "entrepreneurs have to devote 285 hours a year to fulfilling tax bureaucracy, equivalent to around 36 working days, 43% more than the OECD average". The president of Confartigianato then underlined that the lack of reforms lead companies to waste 60 working days a year in bureaucracy and additional costs for one billion euros due to late payments by the public administration.

Furthermore, the tariffs of public services have increased by 54,2% in 10 years. “We are convinced – added Guerrini – that the objective of reconnecting the economic recovery is within our reach. But a shared commitment is needed to re-found the foundations of a pact of civil coexistence and solidarity. The whole country needs politics, not controversy”. The President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, sent a message to the assembly affirming his "convinced confidence" in the ability of SMEs "to face the demanding challenges of the present with a spirit of social cohesion and collaboration".
