
Confalonieri to Berlusconi: "Change course and help Renzi"

The president of Mediaset and a lifelong friend of Silvio Berlusconi advises the Forza Italia head to return to being a leader, as soon as his health conditions permit, but also to change his political line by distancing himself from Brunetta's maximalist and pro-League line and helping the government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi

Confalonieri to Berlusconi: "Change course and help Renzi"

Dear Silvio, if you don't want to destroy Forza Italia and you don't want to end up in a corner, go back to being a leader, as soon as your health conditions allow it, but change your political line, I clearly distance myself from Brunetta's maximalist and pro-League suggestions and returning to support Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's attempts at reform as in the time of the Nazarene. The advice to Berlusconi comes from his most trusted friend and president of Mediaset, Fedele Confalonieri in an interview with "La Stampa". It is the sign that Forza Italia, after the ousting of the magic circle, is getting closer to the more realistic and more moderate moods of the Mediaset house.

According to Confalonieri, Berlusconi should "be a Forza Italia coach, a bit like Conte, who doesn't have great talents but gets excellent results". But in addition to reorganizing the party in a more traditional way, according to the president of Mediaset it is essential that Forza Italia completely changes its political line, abounding in maximalist and demagogic suggestions and getting closer to the Government: "I know - explains Confalonieri - that Berlusconi doesn't think so but I believe that the Government should be supported at this stage. I would be for something that looks like the Nazarene" as Giuliano Ferrara preaches every day from the columns of "Il Foglio".

“To face the big problems we have, we need a broad base and those who, like us, are liberal in spirit – adds Confalonieri – in a phase like this must think about dialogue. I don't go so far as to evoke the German-style "Grosse koalition", but let's just look at what is happening in Spain. To get out of the paralysis, the two traditional parties will have to work together: it's the only way”.

After arguing that in this phase Forza Italia should again open up credit to Renzi and his government, Confalonieri reserves a jab at Cinque Stelle: “Whoever votes for Cinquestelle or wishes for agreements, have they read their programmes? There are totalitarian proposals”
