
Municipality of Milan: installation of books on a tank as a symbol to stop the war

Until tomorrow 25 April, the Corte Grande of Palazzo Reale in Milan hosts the peace demonstration: Only culture can stop war

Municipality of Milan: installation of books on a tank as a symbol to stop the war

As stated in a communication from the Municipality of Milan, from 23 to 25 April 2022 a real tank has been positioned in the Corte Grande of Palazzo Reale where interested people will be able to participate by bringing with them a book which, after being whitewashed together with the two artists, the tank, will be submerged by the volumes.

"Only culture can stop war" it is a participatory installation that requires the direct intervention of the public and wants to emphasize how culture – the book – is the only truly effective tool to stop the war, represented by the tank.

Holding a white paper will be like holding a flag to invoke a stop, not to surrender to a war destiny. It is a final gesture of hope, a white paper that without shouting, in silence, speaks of peace.

The intent is to bring awareness to the fact that only education in non-violence, i.e. deployed against aggression and abuse of all kinds, will be able to help today's young people to change man's attitude towards his similar, to discover together new ways of confrontation without the use of weapons.

The project is promoted and produced by the Municipality of Milan – Culture, Palazzo Reale, and LibriBianchi in collaboration with Eidos Partners and created by the creative agency and production house YAM112003.
