
Monumental complex of Villa Reale and Monza Park: tender for valorisation

Tender "Masterplan", the strategic plan for the development of Villa Reale and Monza Park which will have to enhance and manage a heritage of 685 hectares, 14 kilometers of boundary walls, 110.000 tall trees, 3 historic villas, 13 farmhouses, 3 mills and much more.

Monumental complex of Villa Reale and Monza Park: tender for valorisation

The tender announced by Infrastrutture Lombarde expires on 18 February( which provides € 445.000,00 for professional teams, made up of eight heterogeneous figures such as an expert in economic and financial disciplines, one in architectural restoration and enhancement of cultural heritage, one in landscaping of historic gardens, one in planning territorial and urban planning, one in agronomic forestry skills, one in communication of cultural heritage, as well as an expert in territorial marketing and a public law lawyer.

The Masterplan will have to formulate the proposals to define the strategies, projects and actions aimed at the sustainable enhancement of the monumental complex of the Villa Reale and the Monza Park, bringing together theenvironmental aspect, or rather the conservation of the naturalistic, landscape and cultural heritage, that historical-cultural, for the cultural promotion and enhancement of the historical-artistic heritage, and that economic, identifying the management methods of the structures that guarantee their economic sustainability.

The team that wins the contract will have two years to develop the masterplan-strategic plan that will guide the use of the second tranche of 32 million in funding made available by the Lombardy Region.
