
Competitiveness and energy. In the South, the unknown factor of the government

290 million of new funds allocated for smart grids and electricity networks with the support of the Invitalia company. On the planning of European resources, the uncertainties of the Lega-M5S government. The chapter dedicated to the South is disappointing.

An agreement between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Invitalia company can take companies in the South a step forward in the direction of competitiveness. Before leaving, the Gentiloni government found other funds under the heading of energy with the effect of increasing the chances of success specifications. It is not clear what fate these agreements will have with the new Northern League-Grillino government. It is legitimate to have some doubts, especially for the slogans of the two contracting parties on companies owned by the State and beyond. Anyway there are 290 million euros of investments to be made by 2020 for smart grids. Those new generation electricity grids that allow an intelligent use of energy based on effective needs. A distribution system suitable for keeping electrical absorption under control and which greatly reduces the risk of interruption in less developed areas.

The Pon on competitiveness - from which everything is born - contains two initiatives for Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily. In the incomplete indications of the government contract for the South, Sunday's announcement by Invitalia has high strategic value for companies. Who knows. There were many requests from the local area and in various negotiation tables both the industrialists and the trade unions insisted on having access to additional resources. Specifically, there is a tender with 80 million euros for 21 smart projects to build, adapt or upgrade regional electricity infrastructures. Then funds for the transmission networks, with another 120 million euros, for a modern plan for the high and very high voltage network. Money also aimed at increasing the amount of energy produced from renewable sources connected to the existing network. They come from that Europe with which they say they want to re-discuss everything and its opposite.

Where are the news given that the reference framework remains the programming of the 2014-2020 funds and we are in mid-2018? There is about a year and a half left to see things actually done and since the expectations of the companies were higher than the resources and, therefore the Mise has allocated 61 million for 15 smart projects and 27 million for 4 interventions on high and very high voltage. in conclusion an additional endowment for the benefit of the South, which compared to what is written in the new government's contract, could jump . Lega and M5S for the Southern Regions, "contrary to the past" have established not to identify specific measures with the Mezzogiorno brand, in the awareness that the political choices envisaged by the signed contract are oriented by the conviction towards a homogeneous economic development for the country, while taking into account the different territorial needs with the aim of bridging the gap between North and South (South; Point 25). Does it mean dismantling what the outgoing government – ​​even amid errors – has just decided to increase in terms of energy and other things? The generic nature of the southern chapter of the contract has been highlighted by illustrious economists and it is not yet known what the chosen prime minister will be able to do or decide. If, how, when he will take the Salvini-Di Maio contract into account.

The point is that on the energy front, companies in the South pay very high prices for their competitiveness. Tackling this issue is strategic, as is the infrastructure chapter in general, of which energy is a fundamental part. The danger we run, however, is that the Lega - M5S government sees these examples of strategic concertation as an example of continuity with the past, with respect to which the new leaders express "contrariness". Instead, it should be clear that canceling or revising projects of this magnitude, out of controversy against Europe, preconceived opposition, annulment of the role of public companies and whoever wants to add other alibis, means condemning the South to further backwardness. It's not desirable.
