
How and why to change electricity and gas supplier

The jungle of contracts. The end of the protected market. The opportunities (and risks) of a choice that will soon be forced. All the answers we need.

How and why to change electricity and gas supplier

The end of the "enhanced protection" contracts, and of the old administered electricity and gas tariffs, continues to be postponed. But we will soon have to decide whether to do nothing and stay with the "guarantee" ones (chosen for us by the regulatory authorities) or switch to the free market by choosing from the proposals on the energy market. The comparison is not easy. And in any case, it is advisable to prepare in time. Maybe choosing our new manager right away, who can save us money right now. Sure, the traps and cheats they are not missing. But the tech helps us. And the tools to choose well are there. We explain it in this tutorial created with the collaboration of Selectra consultants*.

The reasons for schoose another operator

You may consider changing your electricity and/or gas supplier if:

  • Your current rate is not cheap.
  • You want to have a single supplier for electricity and gas. Many suppliers offer more favorable conditions for those who activate both users with them. Furthermore, having the same supplier for electricity and gas is convenient: you will have a single customer area to manage both energy users and you can contact the same supplier for any need.
  • You still restock on the Protected Market. The end of the enhanced protection service has been extended for domestic consumers to 1 January 2022 and for SMEs to 1 January next year. We will therefore necessarily have to switch to the Free Market shortly. Why wait until the last minute? The offers on the Free Market, in addition to savings of up to 150 euros a year for a typical family, often include bonuses, discounts and other benefits for customers, as well as the possibility of using extra services, such as, for example, maintenance of the water heater. 

Is it complicated to change supplier?

The operation is similar to that of changing the telephone operator, but unlike what often happens in the telephone sector, it does not involve any type of penalty, because the electricity and gas contracts are not binding. Technically the operation is not complicated, but if you are not practical you could contact the customer service of the chosen manager or get help from a rate comparator, which in addition to saving you time, guides you for free in choosing the most convenient rate and suited to your needs. It is also possible to compare the tariffs on the "Portale Offers" of the ARERA, the Energy Authority, but this tool does not have an assistance service for activating the tariffs.

How much does it cost to change supplier?

Changing the electricity or gas supplier on the Free Energy Market is free. If you get help from a comparator or an online activation desk, always choose the one that guarantees a free service.

RIs I risking a light and/or gas cut?

No, unless there are rare malfunctions. The supply will not be interrupted because the change of electricity and gas supplier does not require any type of physical intervention on the meter or on the network. Everything will be managed electronically without any inconvenience for the consumer. 

Can I end up with two suppliers at the same time?

Problems like this happen, fortunately, very rarely. Each supply point has an individual code: for the electricity meter it is called POD (from the English Point of Delivery, electricity withdrawal point) and for gas, however, PDR (this time it is an acronym that derives from Italian: Redelivery Point). They are the "fiscal codes" of your meters: they remain unchanged, even if a new tariff is activated or a supplier is changed, and they cannot be associated with more than one supplier. If two bills arrive for the same period, it could be a mistake or even a scam. If so, contact the supplier immediately. 

Will I have to replace the electricity or gas meter?

No, the meter is managed by the Distributor, and not by the Supplier. The manager change does not require any type of operation with the meter, which does not have to be replaced and remains always active. The POD and PDR codes always remain the same and will be indicated in the new contract and reported in the bill that the new supplier will send you.

By changing the energy supplier, I also change the distributor?  

No, the distribution of electricity and gas is a "natural monopoly" because it is a very expensive and difficult to replicate infrastructure (let's imagine the construction of a new gas pipeline), therefore the distribution network is the same for everyone users of the geographical area in which the distributor operates. For example, the electricity distributor in Rome is A-RETI, in Milan it is UNARETI and in many other areas it is e-Distribuzione). They always remain the same for the single supply point, regardless of the manager. 

Do I have to tell my old provider that I've changed?

No, after signing the contract with the new operator, the consumer no longer has to do anything. The new supplier will take care of sending all communications to the old manager.

How do I know if the operation was successful?

In addition to any information received via email, the user can always check the status of the new contract online or by contacting the new supplier's customer service. Most managers have apps or customer areas on their sites, which allow you to enter a reserved area and check all the data relating to the contract. Even the customer service of the old supplier can confirm that the user has switched to a new provider. Obviously, all the data will also be shown on the bill, which you will receive from the new supplier.

How long does it take to change supplier?

Changing providers usually takes about a month. But since the contract always starts from the first day of the month, sometimes you have to refer not to the first day of the month following the transaction, but from the first day of the following month.

Can I have electricity and gas with the same supplier?

Absolutely yes on the Free Energy Market. Indeed, this is precisely one of the possible advantages of the Free Market, because in this way you can manage all your energy utilities in a single app or contact the same customer service for any need, as well as enjoy offers which in this case may include special discounts .

Is the energy the same?

Yes. The production plants and energy transport networks are always the same, therefore the energy you will physically receive at your home will always be the same, regardless of the supplier you choose.

Will the bill I receive be different?

In addition to the price of the energy supplied to us, the name and logo of the supplier will certainly change, but the items you find in the bill, as well as the format of the document itself and the information reported, are established by the authority for the energy (ARERA). That's why your bill will always be very similar, no matter which provider you choose.

If I'm not satisfied can I change again?

Yes. Since contracts on the Free Energy Market have no contractual obligations, you can always change your electricity and gas supplier if you don't get on well with your manager. Furthermore, if you made the contract outside the supplier's commercial office (online, by telephone, at home, etc.), you have two weeks to resort to the right to change your mind and cancel the contract, by sending a registered letter or Pec to the manager.

* Selectra Italy is a consultancy firm founded in 2015 by Antoine Arel and Niccolò Carlieri which acts as an intermediary between suppliers and customers, offering its assistance services free of charge to citizens and businesses to identify the best contractual solutions and sign contracts for energy and telecommunications. It is financed with the commissions guaranteed by the operators, which do not involve an additional cost for the customers.
