
Collecting and contemporary art are back on show in Piacenza

Collecting and contemporary art are back on show in Piacenza

After the Coronavirus emergency that had interrupted its journey, the exhibition reopens to the public WE ARE THE REVOLUTION. contemporary Italian collectibles, hosted by XNL Piacenza Contemporanea.

Saturday 26 September 2020, the rooms of the cultural center entirely dedicated to contemporary art of the Piacenza and Vigevano Foundation and the Ricci Oddi Modern Art Gallery – whose premises are adjacent to those of XNL -, will host again, until 10 January 2021, over 150 works, including paintings, sculptures, photographs, videos and installations by authors such as Piero Manzoni, Lucio Fontana, Paul McCarthy, Sislej Xhafa, Sophie Calle, Joseph Kosuth, Giuseppe Penone, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Marina Abramović, Tomás Saraceno, Sol LeWitt , Andy Warhol, Bill Viola, Dan Flavin, from 18 art collections, among the most important in Italy, which transversally investigate contemporary movements, styles and trends.

WE ARE THE REVOLUTION is curated by Alberto Fiz, organized by the Foundation of Piacenza and Vigevano, with the patronage of MiBACT - Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, of the Emilia-Romagna Region, with an exhibition design by Michele De Lucchi and AMDL CIRCLE and the scientific consultancy of the Polo Territoriale di Mantova of the Politecnico di Milano.

For a Cattelan that goes, a Cattelan that arrives. Greet the work We are the revolution (returned to the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection in Turin), XNL Piacenza Contemporanea welcomes the photographic work entitled Cesena 47-AC South Supplies 12″ (2nd time) – Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection, Turin -, which reflects on the theme of hospitality and immigration through the image of the match on a huge 11-seater table football, organized by the Italian artist at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Bologna in 1991, played between a team made up of AC Cesena reserves and a representative of Senegalese workers recruited in the factories of north-eastern Italy, on whose shirts an imaginary and unreal sponsor "Rauss" stood out.

Maurizio Cattelan, Cesena 47-ACforniture Sud 12 (2nd tempo), 1991, photographic print on aluminium, 125×195 cm, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection, Turin

Also for Michelangelo Pistoletto there will be a change. Self-Portrait with Collector will be replaced by Kidnapping (Emilio and Luisa Marinoni Collection, Lurago Marinone, CO). In this work created in 1980, the viewer comes into contact with a figure seen from behind with his face covered and his hands tied which seems to evoke the dramatic period of terrorism. 

Michelangelo Pistoletto, Kidnapping, 1980, Emilio and Luisa Marinoni Collection, Lurago Marinone (CO)

The exhibition itinerary is also enriched by three creations by Christo, as a tribute to the recently deceased Bulgarian master, which have as reference his famous interventions made in Italy in the seventies. The first two, coming from the Consolandi Collection in Milan and the Alt Collection in Bergamo, concern the wrapping of the Monument to Vittorio Emanuele in Milan in 1970, the third, made available by the Gori-Fattoria di Celle Collection, concerns the wrapping of Porta Pinciana in Rome which took place in 1974.

Christo, Wrapped Monument to Vittorio Emanuele (Project for Milano Piazza del Duomo), 1969-1970, mixed media on cardboard, 71×55,5 cm, Collection A

The public will once again be able to immerse themselves in the reality of the Italian collecting phenomenon in its entirety through the events that cover a time span of over fifty years. What emerges is a large collective fresco, a 'collection of collections', as Alberto Fiz states, linked to the passion and taste of our time, which allows the visitor to enter an extraordinary private museum, full of surprises.

The exhibition is accompanied by video interviews with collectors collected in a precious document produced by Roberto Dassoni together with Eugenio Gazzola. 

We are the revolution makes it possible to reconcile both the spectacular component and the more intimate and emotional one, creating a relationship between the works, the artists and the motivations for collecting, as emerges from the eight sections - Complicity, Domestic alterations, Turn the world upside down, Enigma, The other seen for oneself, Controlling the chaos, Explorations, Monochrome spaces – of the exhibition where each represents a collection in a context animated by interferences, suggestions and temporal disruptions. 


Agiverona Collection; Alt Collection, Bergamo; Consolandi Collection, Milan; De Iorio Collection, Trento; Ernesto Esposito Collection, Naples; Floridi Collection, Rome; Giuliani Collection, Rome; Gori Collection - Fattoria di Celle, Pistoia; La Gaia Collection, Busca; Emilio and Luisa Marinoni Collection, Lurago Marinone; Mattioli Rossi Collection; Mazzolini Collection, Bobbio; Nomas Foundation Collection, Rome; Claudio and Maria Grazia Palmigiano Collection, Milan; Pierluigi and Natalina Remotti Collection, Milan/Camogli; Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection, Turin; Giuliana and Tommaso Setari Collection, Paris/Brussels, Gemma De Angelis Testa Collection, Milan.

WE ARE THE REVOLUTION. Contemporary Italian collectibles

Piacenza, XNL CONTEMPORARY PIACENZA (via Santa Franca, 36) | Ricci Oddi Modern Art Gallery (via San Siro, 13)

September 26, 2020 - January 10, 2021

Cover image: Alessandro Mendini, Untitled (armchair-portrait of Giuliano Gori from the Proust series), 2012, painted wooden armchair with screen-printed padding, 106x102x83, Gori-Fattoria di Celle Collection (Pistoia)
